The process - deep dive into Elixir processes

I’m pretty sure the only requirement is that you be able to launch the child process with some MFA that returns one of {:ok, pid}, {:error, reason}, or :ignore, where pid is linked.

Tasks don’t emit messages, so that’s not a requirement. Nor do they accept messages, except for brutal_kill messages (that’s built into the VM, so no need to write any code for it). You can choose to handle a soft kill message, but that is optional, because a supervisor knows to brutal_kill after the grace period.

Also note that DynamicSupervisor is elixir only.


The only thing that the proc_lib functions do is set $ancestors. Not a hard requirement for supervision but definitely a good idea.

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Thanks, @ityonemo , I’m looking forward to it in your video series.

True, but there are also some conventions one should follow:

  • This MFA shall be named start_link
  • start_link shall spawn_link to another MFA, usually called init
  • init shall call exit(:shutdown) if it ever wants to exit on its own.
  • a child_spec/1 function will make life easier for integration into a supervision tree.

#1 is a recommendation so you can declare simplified descriptions: {module, param}.

#s 2 and 3 are not the case for Task, also generally not the case of #4 for Task either.

Elixir’s Task will take care of child_spec/1 and spawn_link. Often you want to implement orderly shutdown, like saving some states, I think you still need to do the following:

  • trap :EXIT in your process
  • handle :EXIT message to do your orderly shutdown
  • exit(:shutdown) to terminate the process and notify the supervisor you are done

The supervisor will send you a :EXIT message in shutdown, and wait up to 5 seconds (configurable). It expects you to shutdown yourself and notify the supervisor. If you do not trap, you will crash. If you trap, but do nothing, the supervisor will brutal_kill you after the timeout. If you shutdown but did not call exit(:shutdown) the supervisor will believe you crashed and print a warning.

Part 3a: tests with mox and ecto


Besides ˋTaskˋ another good example of processes using ˋ$callersˋ is the phoenix liveview test helpers. Everything runs in separate processes, but still uses e.g. a common ecto sandbox connection.

I am curious if there is any authorization library that uses the process dictionary and “$callers” to backtrack through to the process handling the web request or websocket connection, as a means to “paint” the scope of any given user’s auth, without having to pass authorization everywhere.

Might be too magical, though.

yeah this is a good point. Phoenix LiveViews are GenServers, so they don’t get “$callers” by default. It’s my opinion that GenServer should have some way to forward callers from its launching process, this would necessarily be a minor incompatibility with erlang, but then again the GenServer.start_link looks different from :gen_server.start_link anyways.

This would definitely feel too magical to me. Process dictionaries can have value for managing some of the runtime book keeping of process management but are in my opinion a terrible fit for your actual application data. Code that relies on it is harder to test, and may behave in unexpected ways if you call it from a process with an unexpected process dictionary value.

Again, a great episode.
I really appreciate that you deliver this advanced content. Nearly all the other stuff around is very basic.

do keep in mind that the idea here is to use specifically the :"$callers" process dictionary value, and figure out auth scoping using Registry/ets table, and not a generic PD value, so it should have a “painted scope” that is well-defined by the standard library, and if you choose to alter how $callers works, that’s on you.

The thing that I would most worry about is if authz is revoked in persistent storage and not communicated to the ets Registry? “cache”, you could have an authz lifetime that mismatches the ground truth, and a long-lived process with inappropriate permissions.

Wow, how come I only have heard of this today? I’m ready to dive in!
BTW: nice work on the series @ityonemo :clap:.

Just seen your great talk about $callers and how it enables Ecto Sandbox and stuff.
Love to see more such in depth content!


Haha yes thank you. The talk was an attempt at redemption for not having finished the video series. I do want to get back into it eventually, but $dayjob got busy, then I changed jobs, etc…