The very basics... auto-formatting in .eex

In settings.json, instead of setting "files.associations": { *.html.EEx: ... } to "HTML", set it to "HTML (EEx)":

"files.associations": {
    "*.js": "javascript",
    "*.ex": "elixir",
    "*.exs": "elixir",
    "*.eex": "EEx",
    "*.html.EEx": "HTML (EEx)"

I just stumbled onto this, and @tme_317 has already found it, but you don’t need Beautify.

Once files.associations for .html.eex are set to “HTML (EEx)” it appears that .eex work as an embedded language inside of .html, so they both work seamlessly. Snippets extensions work, .eex tags autocomplete, intellisense and syntax highlighting work, it’s all back.