ThinkingElixir Discussion: Mental models for your Elixir and LiveView code

Could you give us a little more info about what you were intending please Mark?

For instance did you…

  1. Want to post a discussion about a topic then talk about the discussion that takes place in the thread in the podcast?

  2. Aim to do a live podcast which people can tune in to and join in via a thread on the forum?

  3. Post a thread about topics covered in an already recorded podcast? (If so, for what purpose? To make the discussion in the thread a follow-up topic in the next podcast or to simply spark a discussion about podcast topics covered?)

Usually we prefer that podcasters either post their episodes in the main podcasts thread thread or start a dedicated thread for their podcast and post all episodes in that thread. However if you want forum members to become involved in a more substantial way (such as per the examples above) let us know and we’ll see what we can come up with :023: