Thoughts about Edeliver 2.0

Hi guys,

Since for some strange reason people are still using Edeliver I suppose we can talk about what we want it truly to be.
During 2018 two things happen that in my opinion gives us more flexibility to reshape in a more user-friendly tool:

  • Distillery added appups
  • Edeliver supports only Mix now

Thus now it’s possible to focus on the core deployment tasks:

  • Building release
  • Storing it somewhere
  • Copying it to a designated servers
  • Updating/upgrading an app

From this perspective there are two questions that should be solved:

  • What are alternatives to bash scripting?
  • How we decouple environments and deployment targets?
    As you can now Edeliver supports two environments - staging and production. That’s a very basic scenario. Here is a latest example where it simply doesn’t fit
    I guess what we really want is to specify an environment and where (which hosts group) we want release to be deployed. Maybe also where it should be built.
  • What deployment guarantees do we want to achieve?
    This is mostly about deployment to a multiple machines. What should happen if deploy fails? Do we want a retry or fallback mechanism for it? This might not be something of an immediate need but keeping it mind can be very useful since it can affect library design.

Please notice, that I’m not talking about deprecating Edeliver due to the respect to the amount of work that was invested into it and since it’s still being used despite being in decay state.

Let’s get a good discussion folks :slight_smile: