Turbolinks with Phoenix

Any one tried Morphdom? https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom

Supposedly simple way to update parts of DOM preserving states like input cursor positions

As described in this well written blog post: https://0x2a.sh/replacing-react-with-rails-66e25cd23777#.yuwzpcj6m

It feels like I’m seeing more of the “replaced react with traditional rails/turbo-links” type of posts suggesting web-dev is coming round full circle:

Early 2000’s.
Full page refresh is the standard. Works great.
Sprinkle in a little js. Works good.
Add more js, jquery mess. Not so good.
SPA everything. Explosion of frameworks and tools. Total confusion, increased development time.
No more SPA. Go back to full traditional full page refresh. Hey, still works great!
Now add back a little js… :wink: