Umbrella with 2 phoenix apps, how to forward request from 1 to 2 and vice versa

@BrightEyesDavid I’m not very familiar with the forward macro, but I don’t think MasterProxy has the issue described there. MasterProxy listens for requests with Plug.Cowboy and calls the configured Endpoint from there so requests do not go through more than one Endpoint for a single request.

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Many thanks. I’ve now got MasterProxy set up locally. :slight_smile:

My umbrella’s /config/prod.exs, proxying based on subdomains:

config :master_proxy,
  http: [port: 3999],
  backends: [
      host: ~r{^www\.},
      phoenix_endpoint: MyappWeb.Endpoint
      host: ~r{^api\.},
      phoenix_endpoint: MyappApi.Endpoint
      host: ~r{^members\.},
      phoenix_endpoint: MyappMembersWeb.Endpoint
      host: ~r{^admin\.},
      phoenix_endpoint: MyappAdminWeb.Endpoint

I haven’t tested with websockets yet.