Unchecked dependencies for environment prod while deploying to Heroku

I am getting this error while deploying to Heroku

Unchecked dependencies for environment prod:
remote: * stripity_stripe (../stripity_stripe)
remote:   the dependency is not available
remote: * ex_twilio (../ex_twilio)
remote:   the dependency is not available
remote: ** (Mix) Can't continue due to errors on dependencies
remote:  !     Push rejected, failed to compile Elixir app.
remote:  !     Push failed

in my phoenix app in mix.exs like this

{:payment, github: "wlminimal/payment"},
{:messageman, github: "wlminimal/messageman"},

and in payment app in mix.exs
I was used to path dependency like this
{ :stripity_stripe, [path: "…/stripity_stripe]}

but I changed to
{ :stripity_stripe, “~>; 2.0”}

in messageman app in mix.exs
was used to path dependency like this
{:ex_twilio, [path: “…/ex_twilio”]}

but I changed to
{:ex_twilio, github: “wlminimal/ex_twilio”, branch: “messageman”}

After this, I am getting error. I can’t find where errors come from.
I tried to deleted _build directory and rebuild. But no luck.

it works in local but got errors while deploying

What is my problem?

Can you share with us the errors you are seeing? Or if not, which of the packages you mentioned seems to be causing the error?

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