Uploads lost after crash/disconnect

I am using LiveView with external uploads. If the socket is reconnected for some reason, the uploads are lost. Is there a way to preserve them? At least those that are done uploading?

This is the best I could do so far:

In the template:

      value={completed_media(@current_user, @form, @uploads.media, @cancelled, :completed_media)}

In the live view:

  def handle_event("cancel-upload", %{"uuid" => uuid}, socket) do
    upload_config = Map.fetch!(socket.assigns[:uploads] || %{}, :media)
    entry = Enum.find(upload_config.entries, &(&1.uuid === uuid))

    socket =
      case entry do
        nil -> socket
        entry -> socket |> cancel_upload(:media, entry.ref)
      |> update(:cancelled, &[uuid | &1])
      |> push_event("resume_upload", %{id: socket.assigns.uploads.media.ref})

    {:noreply, socket}

  defp completed_media(user, form, uploads, cancelled, input_name) do
    token = Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_value(form, input_name) || ""

    current_list =
      with {:ok, list} <- Phoenix.Token.verify(SmtWeb.Endpoint, "#{user.id}", token) do
        |> Enum.filter(fn {uuid, _} -> !Enum.any?(cancelled, &(&1 == uuid)) end)
        |> Map.new()
        _ -> %{}

    updated =
      |> Enum.filter(& &1.done?)
      |> Enum.reduce(current_list, fn entry, cur ->
        Map.put_new(cur, entry.uuid, upload_url(entry))

    Phoenix.Token.sign(SmtWeb.Endpoint, "#{user.id}", updated)

I allow only images to be uploaded, so I can use the values in completed_media to render already uploaded images in case of reconnect, and have the list of completed files URLs in save action

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HI! Do you thing this can be an issue or request? Seems a little weird all state is persisted but uploads not. I’ll put this on GitHub. Let see what they say :smiley:

HI again!. I found this issue in GitHub. File input cleared upon reconnection · Issue #3323 · phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view · GitHub

They say it is hard to keep this files state :confused:

State can recovered from the form inputs on reconnection, not sure why exactly that is not possible for files, but that’s how it is