Using a single master Repo for library where library contains it's own migrations (or alternatively how to test in this situation)

Thanks @LostKobrakai, that gave me the right idea. For anyone stumbling upon the same question and looking for an answer:

I’ve now setup the “accounts” library as described here Setting Up Testing for Library and use a config setting like this to set the repo for the “accounts” lib:

config :accounts, repo: Master.Repo

I then create the migrations this way:

MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.gen.migration xxx

And finally I’ve created a simple mix task that copies those migrations into the priv/repo/migrations folder of the “master” app, which is aliased to mix deps.get and mix deps.update, i.e.:

in mix.exs:

def project do
      aliases: aliases()

defp aliases do
      "deps.update": ["deps.update", "migrations.merge"],
      "deps.get": ["deps.get", "migrations.merge"]