Using same form for show, create, edit

How should I structure the form.html template to use it in show, create and edit forms.

in New and Edit I use

<%= form_for @changeset, Routes.company_path(@conn, :create), [class: "form-horizontal"], fn f -> %>
   <%= render "form.html", conn: @conn, fp: f %>

but how can I pass proper arguments for Show:

<%= form_for @conn, Routes.company_path(@conn, :create), [class: "form-horizontal"], fn f -> %>
   <%= render "form.html", conn: @conn, fp: @company %>

Is this ok? How do you create show templates (read only data)?


Hello and welcome,

It’s not usual to have a form on a show page, but on new and edit.

The main reason is You don’t have a changeset to deal with…

Also I pass an action to form partial instead of fp… Something like this in a new page

  render "form.html", 
    action: Routes.admin_location_player_path(@conn, :create, @location),
    changeset: @changeset,
    cancel: Routes.admin_location_path(@conn, :show, @location)

and something like this in the form

<%= form_for @changeset, @action, fn f -> %>

Thank you for the answer. Yes I found out that there is no changeset. I tried to pass a dummy one, or create one from data fetched in controller but no luck.
I tried to use same form with disabled fields/fieldset. As the design will be the same I tried to go this path, but I see it is not a standard way to do it.

Also new should point to create, and edit should point to update, with a resource.

In case You really want, You can pass a fake changeset, and disable all fields on show.

Because on the show action You have a resource, You can build a changeset from it.

But it’s not common to use a disabled form to display a resource.


we don’t pass an action but we do pass a variable and then use the same form.html.heex for both create and edit versions of an item’s pages. With the variable we can do some internal differentiating on how we display or enable which fields.

Thx @kokolegorille for the action idea. That might find its way into a refactor…