VS Code ElixirLS error isn't working as expected

ElixirLS isn’t working for “Go to definition”. Even if I write wrong syntax it doesn’t throw error. It feels like I am writing code memorising everything. Only code suggestions is working.

I submitted an issue for this but I am not sure it is the same problem : https://github.com/elixir-lsp/vscode-elixir-ls/issues/89

You should update to the latest, as mentioned here…

Nof sure if you are answering to me but I am using 0.6.1 and it does not work. It has never.

Even though I was using 0.6.1 it din’t work.

Then I re-installed VS Code, Elixir & Erlang completely.
I Removed all folders and extensions. Now it is working much better.

Check for error in the OUTPUT and select ElixirLS.

Now I am getting proper syntax error.

Oh, I was answering the OP. I have had the problem on 0.6.0, but not with 0.6.1 (on Ubuntu 20.04) :slight_smile: