Warning: undefined behaviour function

Hi, I have fresh installation of Elixir and Phoenix and when I try:
$ mix phoenix.new hello_phoenix
$ cd hello_phoenix
$ ecto.create
I get following warnings:
==> postgrex
Compiling 45 files (.ex)
warning: undefined behaviour function handle_deallocate/4 (for behaviour DBConnection)

warning: undefined behaviour function handle_declare/4 (for behaviour DBConnection)

warning: undefined behaviour function handle_first/4 (for behaviour DBConnection)

warning: undefined behaviour function handle_next/4 (for behaviour DBConnection)

Generated postgrex app
==> ecto
Compiling 68 files (.ex)
warning: undefined behaviour function handle_deallocate/4 (for behaviour DBConnection)

warning: undefined behaviour function handle_declare/4 (for behaviour DBConnection)

warning: undefined behaviour function handle_first/4 (for behaviour DBConnection)

warning: undefined behaviour function handle_next/4 (for behaviour DBConnection)

Generated ecto app

I have a Mac with:
$ brew list --versions
elixir 1.3.4
erlang 19.1
jpeg 8d
libpng 1.6.26
libtiff 4.0.6_3
node 7.1.0
openssl 1.0.2j
wxmac 3.0.2_4

Thanks a lot in advance

This is expeted. The DBConnection library got some new callbacks to support Repo.stream in the next ecto release. There’s no way of calling them with an old release, so it’s safe to ignore those warnings for now.

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