What are people using for equivalent of access logs when using Cowboy 2 and Phoenix 1.4 on their own?

Alrighty we have a new endpoint: https://api.logflare.app/logs/syslog?api_key=API_KEY&source=SOURCE_ID

That’ll get you your Gigalixir logs in Logflare!

I still need to … like actually parse these, and maybe do something with the ansi colors but that should get you what you need for now.

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You are the ultimate winner! This is awesome! It works!

For any posterity reading this, I now just have console_logger and use Gigalixir drain to get stuff into logflare. I only need the logflare_backend_logger in :dev env for checking if logging is parseable by that lib.

You’re not going straight to Logflare in prod? Just curious how come? Maybe I’m just not understanding…

I would go straight to Logflare but setup the Gigalixir drain to a separate source in case something comes through stdout.

I am going to logflare in prod. I just meant I only use the lib for checking log messages can be parsed, so no need in :prod (since I am not logging straight to logflare now).

However, you’re right, maybe I should do both (direct to logflare and as syslog gigalixir sink). The direct logging sure is prettier. Duplicate logs feels wasteful to me. I am all about keeping operation costs as low as possible.

For now (this weekend), I will just use gigalixir drains. Next week I will play more with direct logging to logflare.

Again, I really appreciate your engagement with this.

Oh yeah pull out the console logger in prod. But if something really blows up it’ll show up there still. And there might be a few messages show up there when the app boots before Logflare is loaded. And maybe the build logs go there too so you could setup an alert for when the build is done.

Ye exactly, that’s why I like the gigalixir sink approach. I get extra logs visibility. I look forward to playing with the alerts.

Are there many people maintaining/writing logflare? Are you the main brain behind it?

Yep it’s me and one other person part time.

Edit: me full time (bootstrapped)

Yeah I’ve switched away from Timber, I think it’s a dead product. No development for ages now unfortunately. I’ve had to switch to papertrail

Give logflare a go. It’s really good. And the guy who writes/maintains it will actually talk to you, right here! See above.

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I certainly will. I have another project upcoming will definitely look at logflare.

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Btw I tried logflare, it rocks! I’ve been enjoying using it a lot!