What Frontend tech do you use for Multi Page App?

No, i end up separating the frontend(react) but i think that is a great package :slight_smile:

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I haven’t played with Elem yet only react and vue js both which have a router module for multi-page apps.

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I use turbolinks and eex templates. Not fastest but for me easiest solution

For multi-page I use unpoly and standard eex templates (have to be careful as it doesn’t work quite right with drab, so on any drab pages I signal to do a full refresh; I need to find if there is a way to have drab fix things up right and I could register that into unpoly then get instant loads everywhere…).


I’m assuming you use Bucklescript-TEA only for SPAs or is there some other criteria for the kind of project you would use that instead of EEX + Unpoly + Drab?

I’m currently using EEX + Vue for the multi page app which works but dealing with mutable JS after spending time on the functional Elixir/Phoenix backend is so annoying. Interop (with Leaflet) is too much ceremony with Elm so planning on experimenting with BS-TEA or ReasonML or something else soon.

It’s used for a couple of SPA’s at work currently with a lot of page dynamism (something drab would not at all be suited for). I minimize the use of SPA’s to where they best belong, and definitely not turning the entire website into a SPA. ^.^;

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If you think React is overkill you could try Vue.js I’ve heard good things about it.

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