What is the best programming language to learn in 2020 and to teach others (as a trainer)?

I don’t think it’s necessary. ElixirForum is not that big and making a poll with a huge number of languages won’t achieve much – IMO. Feel free to do it anyway if you feel like it, I am sure people will participate. :slight_smile:

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  1. Faster than C++, which is what Rust is bent on replacing
  2. Cargo is significantly better designed than npm, especially the immutable crates server.
    Hmm, let’s try that command though:
    ➜ du -h . --max-depth=0
    29M     .
    Seems like no issue. Let’s try running it on a massive library that depends on a couple hundred other things (a game engine, Amethyst):
    ➜ du -h . --max-depth=0
    4.4G    .
    That’s the smallest binary object set I’ve ever seen for a large game library!
    So… I’m not sure what you are referencing?
  3. Rust is extremely compelling, I’m not sure how you could possible say otherwise! It has safe generic resource handling, it’s as fast or faster than C++, it has aliasing guarantees, it’s UB safe as long as you don’t touch unsafe (which you shouldn’t), etc… etc…

Yeah by far Rust wouldn’t replace something for fast iteration that doesn’t need it’s speed. Rust is extremely useful to a lot of people, like me writing drivers or embedded chips in my house.

Yeah DB tuning I bit will give the best boost, especially with streaming the large dataset to it.


Don’t make a new poll. People will just get irritated and probably won’t be bothered to fill it in again.

We will just have to accept that some of the elixir votes are actually for erlang. :wink:


Thanks for understanding the situation @rvirding

I think I cheated and voted for three; Elixir, Rust and, Python. Elixir well because it’s what I love to be in the majority of the time. Rust because it peeks my interest more than any other language outside of Elixir. Python for the simple fact all A.I. work seems to be using Python.



@dikaio you haven’t cheated the poll was created so you could choose multiple languages. at some point in the forum threads there was one that mentioned, that developers are polyglot programmers and i believe this statement to be true.

Thanks for the vote and explanations

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You may want to check out zig.

I would recommend Nim for new programmers because:

  1. It’s a typed language
  2. It’s low level without being too low level - it’s more C# than Ruby, does that make sense?
  3. It’s fast.
  4. Compiles to small static binaries so people can ship their toy projects easily.
  5. Extremely low memory usage.
  6. Not insurmountable like Rust is. I mean look at this syntax, it’s atrocious.
use actix_web::{web, App, HttpRequest, HttpServer, Responder};

async fn greet(req: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {
    let name = req.match_info().get("name").unwrap_or("World");
    format!("Hello {}!", &name)

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    HttpServer::new(|| {
            .route("/", web::get().to(greet))
            .route("/{name}", web::get().to(greet))

Sure you can understand it, but imagine writing this day in day out? I’m not seeing the fun factor for me there.


I looked at Nim and it has a nice documentations plus books that really show how the language can be used. I will have to dig deeper in it. But one thing that doesn’t have is OTP and that’s the future.
Fault tolerant applications are vital to save money and lives.(when I say lives i refer to software for example that monitors a nuclear power-plant or a dam)

Thanks @sergio for you opinion and explanations.

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Sure it’s the future, but then again a single server with a single Nim binary can handle hundreds of thousands of requests per second. Pick the right tools for the right job, at worst you learn something very useful in-case-of.

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Interesting will have to learn more about it,

Thanks for the follow up @sergio

I am started learning functional programming with node.js and Scala, and now I switched to Elixir, and I am shocked how cool and clear it is!

I’ll not write on the Elixir forum why I like Elixir, and why people need to learn it, better I will share my experience with other languages.

The problem with functional programming on node.js that to need to use a lot of dependencies for this, like Fluture as promises alternatives Ramda, Sanctuary, fp-ts, and so on and so four. In the end, the code turns out to be rather cumbersome and still cannot achieve the same effect as on Elixir.

However, Javascript is useful to any developer sooner or later; Therefore, I do not regret this experience, and it is was a good choice that I started precisely from that language. It an excellent language to start with functional programming, mainly because there was a lot of material that explains algebraic structures well. (DR.boolean was very helpful for me).

In my opinion, Scala same problem as with node.js; there are less that works nicely out of the box, mainly I talking about concurrency usually, it is libraries like with a high entry threshold like Akka.

But mainly I do not like what 90% of programmers on Scala write OOP code, which is hard to read for me; moreover, I believe that F.P. almost always a better approach. Exactly this prompted me to switch Scala on Elixir.

However, experience from the Scala also helped me to get comfortable with the Elixir.

JS is a good language to start with Functional Programming. However, at some point, your head may begin to burst from the number of libraries you may need; it is at this moment that it will be ideal if you switch to some language like Elixir.

I happy that I am on Elixir now; the feelings are like I switch my Windows P.C. to Mac …I hope I do not unleash the holy war with this comparison :)))

P.S. This is my first post here.


great poll
see: best programming languages to learn in 2020

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Thanks @codesnail for complementing the poll

Thanks @013 for you opinions and comparisons of other languages to elixir.