What is the return value of quote block?

Take a look on the code, this is the macro definition

     defmodule ControlFlow do
         defmacro unless(expression, do: block) do
            quote do
              if !unquote(expression), do: unquote(block)

So when I write in the iex shell

     iex(16)> ControlFlow.unless 2 == 5, do: "block entered"

I am expecting an ast as the result but I’ve got block entered value. So when I write

     iex(3)> quote do: if 5 == 5, do: "Hello Foo"
                {:if, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel],
                [{:==, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [5, 5]}, [do:"Hello Foo"]]}  

in the shell, I’ve got an ast not the value.