Why does the first query return a result while the second one return an error (unless Ecto.UUID.dump/1 or Ecto.UUID.cast!/1 are called)?

Hi all,

Let’s say that I have three tables:

  • companies,
  • workers,
  • and company_workers as a join table between the two previous tables

A worker can work at several companies (and a company has several workers). The query should return all the companies for which the worker is working.

In both queries, the value of the worker_id variable is "2353e61e-d047-41a9-8bd6-2155a6aa94c3". The first query returns the expected result:

    c in Company,
    join: cw in "company_workers",
    on: c.id == cw.company_id,
    join: w in Worker,
    on: cw.worker_id == w.id,
    where: w.id == ^worker_id
 |> Repo.all()

But surprisingy, the second one returns an error:

    c in Company,
    join: cw in "company_workers",
    on: c.id == cw.company_id,
    where: cw.worker_id == ^worker_id
  |> Repo.all()
** (DBConnection.EncodeError) Postgrex expected a binary of 16 bytes, got "2353e61e-d047-41a9-8bd6-2155a6aa94c3". Please make sure the value you are passing matches the definition in your table or in your query or convert the value accordingly.

I can see in the debug output of the first query, that the worker_id is automatically encoded like so:

[<<35, 83, 230, 30, 208, 71, 65, 169, 139, 214, 33, 85, 166, 170, 148, 195>>]

while in the second query, the worker_id looks like the original value:


Also, calling Ecto.UUID.cast!(worker_id) or Ecto.UUID.dump(worker_id) in the second query makes it return the expected value:

worker_id = Ecto.UUID.cast!(worker_id)
    c in Company,
    join: cw in "company_workers",
    on: c.id == cw.company_id,
    where: cw.worker_id == ^worker_id
  |> Repo.all()

Why the worker_id is automatically translated to <<35, 83, 230, 30, 208, 71, 65, 169, 139, 214, 33, 85, 166, 170, 148, 195>> in the first query but not in the second one?

For w.id the query is aware of the schema Worker and the setup of the fields in that schema, like types. For cw.worker_id the query selects from a bare table "company_workers", therefore ecto does not have any type information at runtime about that column.


Alright, thank you for the explanation!