Why does this simple GenServer timeout?

Based on GenServer.reply/2:

defmodule Test do
  use GenServer

  def handle_call({:work, item}, from, state) do
    IO.puts "Processing item #{item}..."
    Process.send_after self(), {:reply, from, item}, 3_000
    {:noreply, state}

  def handle_info({:reply, from, item}, state) do
    GenServer.reply from, "Done processing item #{item}!"
    {:noreply, state}


GenServer.start_link(Test, [], name: Test)

Task.start(fn -> IO.puts (GenServer.call Test, {:work, 1}, 5_000) end)
Task.start(fn -> IO.puts (GenServer.call Test, {:work, 2}, 5_000) end)



$ elixir test.exs
Processing item 1...
Processing item 2...
Done processing item 1!
Done processing item 2!

So GenServer doesn’t have to reply to a call immediately. It can store “intermediate results” in its own state - for example when it’s still “waiting” for results from other processes while not being blocked so that it can accept new requests even before the other work is completely done.

The one big drawback to GenServer.call/3 is that it blocks the client process. So when processes “co-operate” it isn’t that uncommon to use GenServer.cast/2 instead by simply including a return pid (or from) in the request message proper, for the eventual result message - that way none of the processes ever have to be blocked - they just process the (cast) messages (and results) as they come in.

PS: version that gets the GenServer state actively involved:

defmodule Test do
  use GenServer

  def handle_call({:work, item}, from, old_state) do
    state = add_result old_state, from, item
    IO.puts "Processing item #{item}..."
    Process.send_after self(), {:reply, from}, 3_000
    {:noreply, state}

  def handle_info({:reply, from}, old_state) do
    {item, state} = pop_result old_state, from
    GenServer.reply from, "Done processing item #{item}!"
    {:noreply, state}

  defp add_result(state, from, item),
    do: Map.put state, from, item

  defp pop_result(state, from) do
    item = state[from]
    new_state = Map.delete state, from
    {item, new_state}


GenServer.start_link(Test, %{}, name: Test)

Task.start(fn -> IO.puts (GenServer.call Test, {:work, 1}, 5_000) end)
Task.start(fn -> IO.puts (GenServer.call Test, {:work, 2}, 5_000) end)
