Why There is no FP Language Fast As C++

Actually it’s quite easy, there is even a kernel called mirage built in OCaml that is blazing fast, very safe, and fantastic for embedded usages.

These are the big things, yet OCaml works around it by allowing you to add safe mutability when necessary, and if even further needed you can do entiirely unsafe code (in the Rust sense) via Obj.magic (which honestly you should never need to touch unless doing systems programming. The last bit is the GC, but that is fairly controllable in OCaml when necessary unlike most other languages.

‘In General’ OCaml and C will compile to very similar machine code (Excepting GC and such) and using the same algorithms in both you will achieve almost identical speed. This cannot be said of something like Haskell for example.

Correct, recursion is just a loop in another form, if it compiles slower then that’s an issue of the compiler and/or the programmer, not the fact that it is recursion. OCaml, for example, compiles recursion into assembly jumps, which is what loops do as well.

Rust is very nice, sadly it has a lot of Haskell’isms that I wish it really really did not have that is contributing to some syntax woes, but it is very nice overall. OCaml with a borrow system to get rid of it’s GC would be even better though. ^.^;

Uh, algorithm or not Ruby is SLOW, on the order of hundreds of times slower than something like C/Rust/OCaml, that is the difference of processing data between, oh, 5 seconds or 5 hours…

You can add attributes to functions that specify that they fail to compile if TCO cannot be performed as well in most compilers (clang can and I think gcc can too) too. :slight_smile:

In python you can fake it via generators to an extent. Go is just garbage. The JVM and .NET both don’t like that TCO removes stack frames (while they completely ignore the fact that loops have no stack frames at all so why does that even matter?!).

That is also garbage, detecting TC is trivial in every compiler I’ve ever looked at. You literally just look at the last expression and see if it is a function call and if it returns the same type as ‘this’ function itself…

Yeah they complain that TCO/Recursion removes stack frames which makes debugging harder, and yet they completely ignore the fact that the loop has no stack frames at all, so I don’t know what they are thinking there… ^.^;

Plus the average programmers are not that stupid, like really… And if they want to fix debugging stack frames then just with a flag have it store the ‘stack frames’ to a shadow stack, which is another popular pattern. The JVM/.NET/Go/Javascript authors bug the crap out of me… >.>

That is only if you don’t have TCO.

Whoooo that site takes a long time to start returning data!

As we can clearly see, the recursive is a lot slower than the iterative (considerably) and limiting (stackoverflow).

The reason for the poor performance is heavy push-pop of the registers in the ill level of each recursive call.

Yeah this author seems to be lacking knowledge on this subject, these costs don’t exist with TCO…

too long/stack overflow

This also does not exist with TCO…

Yeah this article is… not well reasoned…

Haskell has a lot of overhead compared to OCaml because it LOVES thunks, it allocates thunks EVERYWHERE it seems, consequently it is always slower in comparison.

They’d be similar…

I’d say on average it would be C++ at 1x, C at 1.5x, OCaml at 1.5x, and Haskell at 3x for well written readable programs in each. C++'s metaprogramming can create pure magic with assembly so it’s hard to beat it when you are trying…

GC can be tuned in both GHC/Haskell and OCaml, and with the proper constructs in OCaml then you can run pretty well GC-less, though code starts looking more like C then. ^.^;

OCaml is the fastest optimizing compiler of any language out. ^.^

C++ can get scary because templates (though it is SO MUCH better than it was 10 years ago).
Haskell gets scary because it uses an HKT typing system, which requires program flow analysis, compared to OCaml that uses HPT’s, which are scope contained, significant differences (and HPT’s are overall more powerful than HKT’s too, though slightly more verbose, but not by much).

Mmmmm, tasty LISP Machines, I so wish they become common… ^.^

Oooo a new language to look at that I’ve not seen yet! Thanks!

(EDIT: Ah, it’s basically an ML’y dialect of OpenCL, not bad though.)

They are suited fine. ARM and x86 are so crazy-optimized that they do everything ‘well’ (not perfectly in all cases, but far far better than any average on about everything).