Will the new type system allow defining Sum types?

Theoretical underpinnings aside, is there any practical difference between an algebraic sum type and a set theoretic union type?

This is a great question and I’m not qualified to answer it fully. I think once us Elixir developers get their hands on the upcoming typing tools, the community will be clamoring articles with titles like these:

  • Teach me Set theoretic types like I know the basics of Algebraic types
  • Why did Elixir get Set theoretic types instead of Algebraic types?

But I’ll take a stab. Here is one example of how sum types differ from union types: as I understand it, sum types are “tagged” while unions are “untagged”. Take this example:

$type matrix_pills() = :blue or :red
$type light_sabers() = :blue or :green
$type scifi_colors() = matrix_pills() or light_sabers()

Here, :blue is automatically a member of scifi_colors(). There’s no notion of “which” :blue you mean since the union is untagged (it doesn’t matter where it came from).

Contrast that with enum from Rust. If you start with two enums:

enum MatrixPills { Blue, Red }
enum LightSabers { Blue, Green }

There’s no way to combine them such that you get a flat collection of the inner types. You’re stuck with doing things like:

enum ScifiColors1 { MatrixPills, LightSabers }
enum ScifiColors2 { Blue, Red, Green }

With ScifiColors1, Blue is not a member since you need to specify MatrixPills(Blue) or LightSabers(Blue) (i.e. you have to “tag” Blue). With ScifiColors2, Blue is a member but the definition makes no reference to the original enums. So you didn’t really combine them like we were able to with union types.

(This doesn’t mean tagged unions are bad! They’re just different.)

I highly recommend José’s talk from ElixirConf if you want to learn more: