Write common test cases for controller

In my code I have various endpoints but they all have same controller code. I am using macros for this. Now i am writing test cases for it. Test cases are almost similar for each end point. like this

     test "index/2 shows all the records" do
      |> get(api_v1_company_path(build_conn(), :index))
      |> json_response(200)

Now if i replace company with country in the ap1_v1_company_path. It will run for the company. But i have to wrote this all over again.
Is there any other solution I can do so that I should write minimum amount of code and it works for every endpoint?

Maybe something like this

@spec api_test_route(module) :: (([term]) -> String.t())
defp api_test_route(controller_module) do
  fun =
    case controller_module do
      MyApp.API.V1.CompanyController -> :api_v1_company_path
      MyApp.API.V1.CountryController -> :api_v1_country_path
      # etc
  fn args -> apply(MyApp.Router.Helpers, fun, args) end


test "index/2 shows all the records" do
  conn = build_conn()

  path = api_test_route(MyApp.API.V1.CompanyController).([conn, :index])

  |> get(path)
  |> json_response(200)

There is probably some helper function in phoenix to get path function names (like : api_v1_company_path) from controller module names (like MyApp.API.V1.CompanyController) to avoid the case statement in api_test_route/1.

I didn’t find any. that would be great help to pass the module name and get the path dynamically to set in the test get request

Maybe https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/Phoenix.Naming.html#resource_name/2 would help together with other functions from that module.
