WYSIWIG HTML editors for Phoenix LiveView?

The hook:

import Trix from "trix";

export default {
  mounted() {
    const element = document.querySelector("trix-editor");
    element.editor.element.addEventListener("trix-change", (e) => {
      this.el.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", { bubbles: true }));
    element.editor.element.addEventListener("trix-initialize", () => {
      var length = element.editor.getDocument().toString().length;
      window.setTimeout(() => {
        element.editor.setSelectedRange(length, length);
      }, 1);
    this.handleEvent("updateContent", (data) => {
      element.editor.loadHTML(data.content || "");

(the hook can be simplified, I use the setTimeout because in one of my forms there’s an auto-save feature that sends an event to the LV after a given period of time and if the user is typing on the editor while the auto-save event fires the cursor was being reset to the beginning of the text, this works around it)


        <%= label(f, :body, gettext("Body")) %>
        <%= hidden_input(f, :body, phx_hook: "TrixEditor") %>
        <div id="richtext" phx-update="ignore">
          <trix-editor input={input_id(f, :body)} class="trix-content">
        <%= error_tag(f, :body) %>