You and Elixir in 2021/22/23

I really want to try out Elixir in a project, but building something by myself is not really motivating me, so I am looking for a project at work to apply Elixir and Phoenix in - just to try out something else than Laravel for a change.

I really curious about how the functionality and features are going to be implemented differently compared to an OOP based framework - and I really want to dive deeper into the whole debugging with iex, it seems really useful.

What I’m mostly worried about is deploying something with it - often articles and tutorials talk about what you need to do and so forth, but what I would love to read is the “don’t do this, because this will expose this port” or something like that - just to know how I might mess things up. I remember reading about bunch of S3 buckets being mis-configured and a lot of sensitive data got exposed, so from that point on, I’ve tried to think in “what might be done wrong” kind of way.