Your thoughts on advancing the Elixir ecosystem

For me, having a set of “libraries” with shared interfaces for small features, written with “idiomatic” Elixir is very important.

Especially, for those who’re migrating existing apps into Elixir, having these “building blocks” is more important than having “full featured” libraries for new projects. It provides good reusable building blocks, and gives good idea on what’s the idiomatic way to use/write Elixir code.

JSON is good example. jason is taking of poison; they have small well defined interface (e.g. encode/2) so pretty swappable (e.g. phoenix, absinthe, ecto…) Also pretty good behaviors (e.g. no automatic encode of random struct - jason), and consistent interface (e.g. ok/error tuple and ! methods)

HTTP area is still evolving - tesla is my choice of wrapper, but what about adapter? Also I’m waiting for xhttp… See HTTP client libraries and wrappers for details.

I’ve worked with XML and :public_key - and they need better documentation.