Phoenix (wiki)

This thread exists to aggregate learning resources about the Phoenix framework.

Feel free to add links to blog posts, articles, screencasts, etc. to the Wiki (this post) as well as in a new post in the thread (so everyone else is alerted as well) :023:


Programming Phoenix (Pragprog) - by @chrismccord, @josevalim and Bruce Tate


Running Elixir and Phoenix projects on a cluster of nodes - A guide on how to run a distributed Elixir app by Chris McCoord.

Deploying Phoenix Applications with Exrm - Learn what Exrm is, what it is useful for and how to use it by Brandon Richey

Creating a Game Lobby System in Phoenix with Websockets - See how Phoenix and Websockets can be used together to build a game lobby for users by Alex Jensen

Subdomains With Phoenix - How to create subdomains by Gary Rennie

Complete Guide to Deploying Phoenix Applications Using Dokku - See how Dokku can be used to deploy Phoenix applications by Praveen Perera

Starter templates

React-Phoenix-Starter-Template - A starter template for those looking to use React with Phoenix by Ryan Swapp.

Example Applications

GraphQL-Phoenix-RethinkDB - A starter template for those looking to use React with Phoenix by Adam Brodzinski.

Phoenix_Guardian - An example implementation of authentication in Phoenix using Überauth and Guardian by Daniel Neighman.

Openmaize-Phoenix - Examples of using Openmaize authentication / authorization library in a Phoenix web application by David Whitlock.

Phoenix-Toggl - Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux by Ricardo García.

Phoenix-Trello - Trello tribute done in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux by Ricardo García.

Rethinkdb-Phoenix-Example - A simple app demonstrating how to use RethinkDB in a Phoenix application by Ryan Swapp.

Static Markdown blog posts with Elixir Phoenix - Create a blog with Markdown support by Sebastian Seilund

Phoenix Battleship - Battleship game built with Elixir, Phoenix, React and Redux. Part of a blog series.

Building API’s

Build and test a blazing fast JSON API with Phoenix - Learn how Phoenix can be used to build a JSON API by Paul Smith
Building a Phoenix API - See an API for a market be built using Phoenix by Luiz Varela


Guts of Phoenix websocket channels - Phoenix channels and its use of Websockets explained by Zohaib Rauf

Ecto for Rails developers — The basics - A quick introduction of Ecto for Rails developers by Igor Šarčević

Elixir and Phoenix: The Future of Web APIs and Apps? -

The difference between web and lib - The difference and meaning of the web and lib directories is explained by Chris Keathley

Presentation Slides

Practical Elixir, Through Phoenix

Phoenix Is Not Your Application by Lance Halvorsen - ElixirConf EU 2016