The next event is Thursday April 23 at 6pm British Summer Time.
Our first virtual Meetup was a massive success we are aiming to repeat with two great lineup of Erlang and Elixir talks. When done, we will move into breakout rooms where we can socialise in smaller groups whilst the speakers and organisers move from room to room to say hi and answer questions.
Please register so we can plan accordingly. We’ve increased capacity, but still have a limited number of places.
18:00 - Hello World!
18:15 - Talk #1: Magnus Henoch and Ramón Lastres Guerrero -
Data collection and processing on a massive scale with Erlang and Elixir
18:45 - Q&A
19:00 - Talk #2: Evadne Wu - It’s Macro Time!
19.30 - Q&A
Register at