2024/05/27-28 Lambda Days 2024 - Kraków, Poland

2 days of full focus on functional programming: Lambda Days is a conference bringing together FP enthusiasts from both academic and business worlds to learn, share and inspire.

Come to beautiful, sunny Krakow for Lambda Days to find out what is possible with functional programming - explore the latest in battle-tested Scala, Erlang and Haskell, experience the energy that F# and Elixir bring to the table, connect with the innovators working with Elm, Luna and Ocaml and see what will come next!

Check full lineup: https://lambdadays.org

Elixir and Erlang focused talks:

  • Gradualize your language with set-theoretic types with Guillaume Duboc
  • Media streaming in the functional world with Mateusz Front
  • Optimizing Sequential Erlang with Benjamin Phillip