6 trainings with experts during Code BEAM Europe 2023 (5 in Berlin, 1 virtual)
Before the conference and all the great talks, we bring to you training sessions with experts from whom you can learn about:
Applying Elixir to Data Science: the Nx Ecosystem from Zero to Hero (virtual)
Trainer: Paulo Valente
Unleash the Power of Membrane: Your own Twitch on BEAM
Trainers: Dominik Artur Wołek, Łukasz Kita
Observability & Debugging on the BEAM
Trainers: Natalia Chechina, Francesco Cesarini
Secure Coding on the BEAM
Trainer: Robert Virding
Building a front-end without the front-end: Reusable and Dynamic Phoenix.LiveView Components
Trainer: Łukasz Pauszek
Developing Mobile Apps - From LiveView to AppStore
Trainer: Dominic Letz