A tiny macro to clean LiveView code

Sup ppl, I just wanted to share a little macro I created to simplify LiveView code. It allows you to convert




For instance here’s a function from Chris McCord’s live_trek

  def handle_event("delete", %{"id" => id}, socket) do
    todo = Todos.get_todo!(socket.assigns.scope, id)
    {:ok, _} = Todos.delete_todo(socket.assigns.scope, todo)

    {:noreply, socket}

Would be

  def handle_event("delete", %{"id" => id}, socket) do
    todo = Todos.get_todo!(~a|scope|, id)
    {:ok, _} = Todos.delete_todo(~a|scope|, todo)

    {:noreply, socket}

Necessary? Not really.

But I thought it looks much better, specially when you have lot’s of socket.assigns and want to reduce verbosit, avoid unpacking assigns and reduce formatter line breaks.

Here’s v0.1

  defmacro sigil_a(expr, _modifiers) do
    socket = Macro.var(:socket, nil)

    quote do
      Map.get(unquote(socket).assigns, String.to_existing_atom(unquote(expr)))

And here’s a vim command to search and replace:


Nice idea. Curious, why Map.get rather than fetch? I think the behavior being replaced raises if the expected key is missing, whereas this will return nil I think


No reason, probably a bug :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. You can also move String.to_existing_atom to just String.to_atom outside of the quoted block, this saves you a function call at runtime.
  2. might want to try var!(socket) inside the quote instead of Macro.var outside the quote. I think they are equivalent but var!(…) Is slightly more legible and idiomatic IMO

If you wanted to be really evil, you could overload the @ operator if the caller environment contains socket :smiling_imp:

defmodule Evil do
  defmacro __using__(_) do
    quote do
      import Kernel, except: [@: 1]
      import Evil

  import Kernel, except: [@: 1]

  defmacro @name do
    var = Macro.var(:socket, nil)

    if assigns_call?(__CALLER__, name) do
      {name, _, _} = name
      quote(do: Map.fetch!(unquote(var).assigns, unquote(name)))
      quote(do: Kernel.@(unquote(name)))

  defp assigns_call?(env, {name, _, nil}) when is_atom(name) do
    Macro.Env.has_var?(env, {:socket, nil})

  defp assigns_call?(_, _), do: false

defmodule Hmm do
  use Evil

  @okay :foo

  def maybe(socket) do

  def wow do

dbg(Hmm.maybe(%{assigns: %{okay: :NEAT!}}))

(don’t do this)


This would have a lot of potential if there were good overridable unary operators in Elixir.

Unfortunately, +, -, !, ^, not, @, & are too useful and meaningful to be overriden. There is ~~~ but its ugly and too hard to write :stuck_out_tongue: .

Makes me think Elixir maybe could support an unary $ operator.

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I mean, it’s what happens in EEx templates, though!

$ is being used for the potential new type system

Pretty cool!

Innnnnteresting. I was trying to figure out how to do something like this and couldn’t figure it out. I was trying to use var!/2 for this to no avail. I never understood that you can check the caller env.

I was looking to create a single guard that would work on both socket and assigns. I have a lot of single module CRUD LiveViews so I wanted something like:

def handle_event("update", %{"user" => user_params}, socket) when in_action([:edit]) do

def render(assigns) when in_action([:edit]) do

This would check whichever existed of socket.assigns.live_action or assigns.live_action was in [:edit].

Even though I don’t think that is particularly evil (that is, what I wanted to do—what you’re suggesting is absolutely pure evil :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:) , I ultimately decided I’d rather not do anything out the ordinary like this so I never bothered to seek help figuring it out, but it’s nice to know how it could be done, so thanks!

(that is, if that would even solve the problem… I haven’t actually tried, just responded immediately, lol, but still informative for me)


Glad it was informative!

It’s definitely worth digging into the environment info you have available in macros. Even in the OP’s example, you could check the caller env for a socket var and raise an informative error if it doesn’t exist (as opposed to the underlying Map.fetch! error or whatever you end up using).

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That;s pretty cool :wink: I’ll have to play with it a little bit to completely grasp it, thanks!

If any1 is actually using it, here’s an update. Using @tfwright & @ityonemo suggestions, I’ve got:

  defmacro sigil_a(expr, _modifiers) do
    {_, _, [key]} = expr
    key = String.to_atom(key)

    quote do
      Map.fetch!(var!(socket).assigns, unquote(key))

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This operator might be used for the type system

Like be the paper “https://www.irif.fr/_media/users/gduboc/elixir-types.pdf

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yeah, so? :slight_smile: