Absinthe parse and serialize functions to a scalar type in a schema?

How can one attach parse and serialize functions to a scalar type in a schema, when instead of the Absinthe DSL, the graphql SDL format is used to define the schema? (The schema is imported with import_sdl. I can add resolvers to queries, but I get (BadFunctionError) expected a function, got: nil (absinthe 1.7.1) lib/absinthe/type/scalar.ex:49: Absinthe.Type.Scalar.serialize/2 when querying data with type scalar.)

OK, I figured out how to do it:

    import_sdl "/path/to/schema/file"


    def hydrate(%Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ScalarTypeDefinition{name: MyType}, _) do
        serialize: &AppWeb.Schema.MyType.serialize/1,
        parse: &AppWeb.Schema.MyType.parse/1