Access information in memory without knowing if it is ready


Let’s say I have a process that reads from a file and saves data into an ETS table. This ETS table must be publicly available to all processes so they can read it (only read access is necessary).


The issue here is that reading from a file is a complex topic. It may go well, or it may fail, you never know. Our app depends on this module reading this file and placing it’s information on an ETS table.

After reading this article:

It is clear to me that the module that reads the file and fills the ETS table, let’s call it Reader can’t rely on the fact everything will go as expected, nor should MyApp, using this module, rely on that assumption either.


So the best practice here would be to have Reader in MyApp supervision’s tree, as a process that simply returns :ok on the init function. After that it would try to populate the table, which may fail or not. If it succeeds, processes will be able to read from the table, if it fails, it tries again every 30 seconds or so (it tries forever).

The challenge here is “How will my client, which depends on the data on the ETS table, know the table is ready?”

Two options come to my mind:

  1. Ask the Reader process every time you need to make a read. This will, unfortunately make this process a big bottleneck because all requests must ask him something.
  2. Have a special value in the ETS table that says if said table is ready for usage or not. Reader would be the only process capable of updating this value.


Overall solution 2 would be more scalable, but I am not sure about having special values in data tables. It doesn’t feel right to mix accessibility with data.

How do you solve this problem?
What patterns or solutions do you use?

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Just have the client not load up until the process that populates the ETS table fully startup first? Otherwise I’d probably use a marker value, or a persistent term if it’s global on the single node.

  1. not loading the client until table is populated. The client must go online, even if is to tell people it’s not ready yet. I don’t think forcing the client to wait for something goes in accordance to what the article I pointed out says, because if the file never exists, then the client will wait forever and the app will never launch.
  2. User a Marker value. What are marker values? How do you implement them? Could you elaborate?
  3. Persistent Terms, I also thought about that. Perhaps this is the best solution, even if I just place my entire data in persistent_term, having a special value would make sense… though I would still be running against the “storing accessibility and data in the same place” issue.

Let’s say you have a Loader and a Reader. Both are under the same supervisor (one-for-one, e.g.).


  1. It starts up, returning {:ok, ...} from init unless something catastrophic occurs. Within its state, it stores a :status value which is set to :initializing
  2. It attempts to load data in memory (probably in a handle_continue). It updates the :status according to the result: :data_loaded if successful, or (e.g.) {:error, :reason_1}, {:error, :reason_2}, etc.

Until the :status value is :data_loaded, all calls to Loader will return (e.g.) {:unavailable, reason} where reason is (e.g.) the :status value.


  1. It starts up, returning {:ok, ...} from init unless something catastrophic occurs. Within its state, it stores a :status value which is set to :initializing
  2. It checks on the Loader to see if it’s ready or not. If the Loader indicates it’s :data_loaded status, the Reader updates its status to :online. If the Loader returns a different status, Reader can either try trigger some actions to “fix” the Loader, or choose to wait and check on its state again later (e.g. if it’s some other process’ responsibility to get the Loader to load the data properly).

Until the :status value is :online, all calls to Reader will return (e.g.) {:error, :data_not_loaded}. This assumes of course that you want Reader to be available to callers if the data isn’t loaded. If that’s not the case, you can attempt contacting Loader a few times within handle_continue callbacks (possibly with a back off strategy) before finally giving up and returning {:stop, :unable_to_load_data, new_state} and bringing everything down.

Further considerations

In the above, Loader will be restarted if it crashes, and may reload the data. If this isn’t desireable, you’ll obviously need to adapt the above.


I see. So the Reader will only talk to Loader on the initialization phase to check if the data is loaded. Once the Reader knows the Loader is ready, it simply starts accessing the table directly.

Thanks !

Exactly. The nice thing with this concept of “levels” that build on top of each other (e.g. init -> data loaded into cache -> DB available -> external service available) is that by designing your system to provide more and more functionality as its dependencies come online, you’re able to easily downgrade it when things start going wrong (e.g. DB down for maintenance? Downgrade to “cache loaded” service level). And since the system (both your service and its callers) were built to handle the intermediary states (where not everything is working), everything will be more resilient to hiccups in the system.