Add associations between existing models

I have two models, User and Note. Note has a user_id field which points to User. I did not create associations when I create the Phoenix app. I would like to add associations now: One user can have many notes, but a note can have only one user (the author). How do I add the association this late date?


Perhaps you could modify your posts table. (Assuming your posts table has a field user_id just as an integer).
So you may want to try creating a new migration with something like this:

alter table(:notes) do
  modify :user_id, references(:users)

and in your schemas:

schema "posts" do
  belongs_to :author, User, foreign_key: :user_id

schema "users" do
  has_many :posts, Post
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You need to use belongs_to and has in your models.

Take look at Ecto starting guide

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Thank you dgamidov and sysashi!

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Hello again,
I tried this migration:

First Try

defmodule LookupPhoenix.Repo.Migrations.AddAssociation do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
      alter table(:notes) do
        modify :user_id, references(:users)

But got this error:

06:07:36.061 [info]  alter table notes
** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 23503 (foreign_key_violation): insert or update on table "notes" violates foreign key constraint "notes_user_id_fkey"

    table: notes
    constraint: notes_user_id_fkey

Key (user_id)=(20) is not present in table "users".

Table notes has an id and a user_id, where the latter points to id of table ‘users’

Second try

If I modify the schema, eg., add has_many :notes, LookupPhoenix.Note to User and add belongs_to :user, LookupPhoenix.User to Note, then I get a compilation error:

== Compilation error on file web/models/note.ex ==
** (ArgumentError) field/association :user_id is already set on schema
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Can you post your current schemas of notes and users please.
And it seems like your user_id column contains non existing user id (20)

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Try this

 defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateJoin do
      use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table :joins do
      add :note_id, references(:notes, on_delete: :delete_all, type: :uuid), null: false
      add :user_id, references(:users, on_delete: :delete_all, type: :uuid), null: false

    create index :joins, [:user_id, :note_id], unique: true

defmodule MyApp.User do

@primary_key {:id, Ecto.UUID, autogenerate: true}
  schema "users" do
    has_many :joined_notes, MyApp.Join
    has_many :joined, through: [: joined_notes, :note]

defmodule MyApp.Note do

@primary_key {:id, Ecto.UUID, autogenerate: true}
   schema "notes" do
      has_many :notes_joined, MyApp.Join
      has_many :joiners, through: [: notes_joined, :user]

defmodule MyApp.Join do

  @foreign_key_type Ecto.UUID
  schema "joins" do
    belongs_to :note, Note
    belongs_to :user, User

  @required_params ~w(note_id user_id)a

  def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
    |> cast(params, @required_params)
    |> validate_required(@required_params)
    |> unique_constraint(:user_id, name: :joins_user_id_notes_id_index, message: "Some cool message")
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syashsi, Below are the schemas. I’ve been running the app without associations (and so without
belongs_to .. and has_many ... The user_id field of a Note is always the id of a User
enforced in code, but I should be using associations.

DmytroNasyrov, I am reluctant to use your proposed solution at this time because I am using integer ID’s – will have to think this one through. Thankyou!


schema "notes" do
    use Timex.Ecto.Timestamps

    field :title, :string
    field :content, :string
    field :user_id, :integer
    field :viewed_at, :utc_datetime
    field :edited_at, :utc_datetime

     belongs_to :user, LookupPhoenix.User



schema "users" do
      field :name, :string
      field :username, :string
      field :email, :string
      field :password, :string
      field :password_hash, :string
      field :registration_code, :string
      field :tags, {:array, :string }
      field :read_only, :boolean
      field :admin, :boolean
      field :number_of_searches, :integer
      field :search_filter, :string

      has_many :notes, LookupPhoenix.Note

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uuid is just as an option. It has no influence on many_to_many association at all. I copy-pasted this snippets right from my code and decide to leave uuid in case someone will look for the same solution but with uuid. It will work with int ids too.

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DmytroNasyrov – thanks so much for this. I have been considering using UUID’s in this experiment but haven’t decided yet whether it is the right thing to do.

sysashi – It turned out that having some bad Note records was the problem. I deleted them, ran the migrations without has_many .. and belongs_to.

Addendum I enabled the lines has_many .. and belongs_to :user, LookupPhoenix.User and commented out the line field :user_id, :integer. Now everything is working

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Thankyou sysashi and DmytroNasyrov – all working now!!


Summary of how to add an association after the fact. Thanks to all and special thanks to @sysashi.

In my case I had two models, User and Note – see schemas listed below. I wanted a note to be associated to one user and a user to have many notes. Notes and Users were already manually linked via the user_id field in Note.

Step 1: Make sure that there are no Note records with user_id pointing to nonexistent users

Step 2: Run the migration below.

Step 3. Enable the lines

 belongs_to :user, LookupPhoenix.User` # in Note


has_many :notes, LookupPhoenix.Note # in User

Then comment out the line

field :user_id, :integer  # in Note


  def change do
      alter table(:notes) do
        modify :user_id, references(:users)

Note Schema

schema "notes" do
    use Timex.Ecto.Timestamps

    field :title, :string
    field :content, :string
    field :user_id, :integer
    # irrelevant fields

     # Will add this after migration: # belongs_to :user, LookupPhoenix.User


User Schema

schema "users" do
      field :name, :string
      field :username, :string
     # irrelevant fields
      # will add this after migration: # has_many :notes, LookupPhoenix.Note


Glad you got it sorted - might be worth adding step 3 to the Schema code blocks in your post in case it confuses someone (or adding the final code separately below).