Today was fun and I got it right the first time MapSets saves the day again.
A slightly different take on the same general idea:
defmodule Aoe.Y22.Day18 do
alias Aoe.Input, warn: false
def read_file!(file, _part) do
Input.stream_file_lines(file, trim: true)
def parse_input!(input, _part) do
input |>
defp parse_line(line) do
[x, y, z] = line |> String.split(",") |>
{x, y, z}
def part_one(cube_list) do
lookup_map =, &{&1, true})
surf_map =
Enum.reduce(cube_list, %{}, fn cube, surf_map ->
Map.put(surf_map, cube, n_uncovered(cube, lookup_map))
surf_map |> Map.values() |> Enum.sum()
def part_two(cube_list) do
lookup_map =, &{&1, true})
xl = Enum.reduce(cube_list, &min_x/2) - 1
yl = Enum.reduce(cube_list, &min_y/2) - 1
zl = Enum.reduce(cube_list, &min_z/2) - 1
xh = Enum.reduce(cube_list, &max_x/2) + 1
yh = Enum.reduce(cube_list, &max_y/2) + 1
zh = Enum.reduce(cube_list, &max_z/2) + 1
path_start = {xl, yl, zl}
max_range = {xh, yh, zh}
explored = explore([path_start], {path_start, max_range}, lookup_map, %{})
explored |> Map.values() |> Enum.sum()
defp explore([cur | open], minmax, lookup_map, explored) do
{lava_neighs, free_neighs} = split_neighs(cur, lookup_map, minmax)
faces = length(lava_neighs)
explored = Map.put(explored, cur, faces)
free_neighs = Enum.filter(free_neighs, &(&1 not in open and not Map.has_key?(explored, &1)))
explore(free_neighs ++ open, minmax, lookup_map, explored)
defp explore([], _, _, explored) do
defp split_neighs(cube, lookup_map, minmax) do
neighs = cardinal_neighbours(cube)
{lava_neighs, free_neighs} = Enum.split_with(neighs, &Map.has_key?(lookup_map, &1))
free_neighs = clamp_neighs(free_neighs, minmax)
{lava_neighs, free_neighs}
defp clamp_neighs(cubes, minmax) do
Enum.filter(cubes, &in_boundary(&1, minmax))
defp in_boundary({x, y, z}, {{xl, yl, zl}, {xh, yh, zh}}) do
x >= xl and x <= xh and
y >= yl and y <= yh and
z >= zl and z <= zh
defp n_uncovered(cube, lookup_map) do
cube |> cardinal_neighbours() |> Enum.reject(&Map.has_key?(lookup_map, &1)) |> Enum.count()
defp cardinal_neighbours({x, y, z}) do
{x - 1, y, z},
{x + 1, y, z},
{x, y - 1, z},
{x, y + 1, z},
{x, y, z - 1},
{x, y, z + 1}
defp max_x({a, _, _}, {b, _, _}), do: max(a, b)
defp max_x({a, _, _}, b) when is_integer(b), do: max(a, b)
defp min_x({a, _, _}, {b, _, _}), do: min(a, b)
defp min_x({a, _, _}, b) when is_integer(b), do: min(a, b)
defp max_y({_, a, _}, {_, b, _}), do: max(a, b)
defp max_y({_, a, _}, b) when is_integer(b), do: max(a, b)
defp min_y({_, a, _}, {_, b, _}), do: min(a, b)
defp min_y({_, a, _}, b) when is_integer(b), do: min(a, b)
defp max_z({_, _, a}, {_, _, b}), do: max(a, b)
defp max_z({_, _, a}, b) when is_integer(b), do: max(a, b)
defp min_z({_, _, a}, {_, _, b}), do: min(a, b)
defp min_z({_, _, a}, b) when is_integer(b), do: min(a, b)
Quick and fun today
Still going to try and work through as many days as I can. Very frustrated that I got stuck on a stupid input parsing error for so long on day 17 as this day was actually pretty straight forward. Going to look through other solutions to see how part two was handled as the method I took is pretty inefficient.
@kwando looking at your solution is really nice but I donβt understand how you account for air that is within the overall structure of the droplet but has a connection to outside the droplet. I had initially tried a similar approach but got the wrong answer b/c some air pockets were only partially enclosed. How does collect_connected/3
avoid that?