Advent of Code 2022 - Day 21

I have a question in Part 1. Let me show my solution first:

defmodule Day21.Part1 do
  def solve(), do: root()

  @external_resource "#{__DIR__}/day21.txt"
  for <<monkey::binary-4, ": ", expr::binary>> <-!(hd @external_resource),
      monkey = String.to_atom(monkey) do
    @compile {:inline, [{monkey, 0}]}
    defp unquote(monkey)() do

I can get the result calling Day21.Part1.solve() (though it returns a float instead of an integer).

My question is, when I try disassembling the module (thanks to @isaac-rstor for teaching me this feature) and extract the instructions of solve/0,

|> :code.get_object_code()
|> elem(1)
|> :beam_disasm.file()
|> elem(5)
|> Enum.find(fn tuple ->
  list = Tuple.to_list(tuple)
  match?([:function, :solve | _], list)

I get

{:function, :solve, 0, 789,
   {:line, 3},
   {:label, 788},
   {:func_info, {:atom, Day21.Part1}, {:atom, :solve}, 0},
   {:label, 789},
   {:allocate, 0, 0},
   {:line, 2},
   {:call, 0, {Day21.Part1, :wvvv, 0}},
   {:call, 0, {Day21.Part1, :whqc, 0}},
   {:move, {:float, 83056452926300.0}, {:x, 0}},
   {:deallocate, 0},

You can see the result in the :move instruction, that’s expected. The question is why there are still 2 :calls to the other functions? Why the instructions are not just

{:function, :solve, 0, 789,
   {:line, 3},
   {:label, 788},
   {:func_info, {:atom, Day21.Part1}, {:atom, :solve}, 0},
   {:label, 789},
   {:line, 2},
   {:move, {:float, 83056452926300.0}, {:x, 0}},

The Erlang compiler intentionally never removes function calls (unless the inline option is used) to ensure that tracing of function calls will work predictably. That is, every call in source code should be present in the trace output.

(Edited to mention the inline option.)

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So, the 2 :calls are never executed in runtime?

Yes, they are executed, but their return values are ignored.

I now see that you used the inline option. When inlining, the compiler will remove redundant function calls when calls are inlined. My guess why that didn’t happen is that the inliner gave up before it could inline all function calls in the module. It might be possible to force it to inline more if you also give the {inline_size, Size} option.

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