Reasonably pleased with my solution. The bitstring packet problems are so well suited to Erlang/Elixir it’s almost not fair.
defmodule Day6 do
defmodule Input do
def sample_data(1), do: "mjqjpqmgbljsphdztnvjfqwrcgsmlb"
def sample_data(2), do: "bvwbjplbgvbhsrlpgdmjqwftvncz"
def sample_data(3), do: "nppdvjthqldpwncqszvftbrmjlhg"
def sample_data(4), do: "nznrnfrfntjfmvfwmzdfjlvtqnbhcprsg"
def sample_data(5), do: "zcfzfwzzqfrljwzlrfnpqdbhtmscgvjw"
def load() do
ReqAOC.fetch!({2022, 06, System.fetch_env!("AOC2022Session")})
defmodule Solve do
defp find_packet(input, n, i) do
<<pkthd, pkttl::binary-size(n - 1), rest::binary>> = input
if <<pkthd, pkttl::binary>> |> uniq_chars?() do
find_packet(<<pkttl::binary, rest::binary>>, n, i + 1)
defp uniq_chars?(<<>>), do: true
defp uniq_chars?(<<a, rest::binary>>) do
not String.contains?(rest, <<a>>) and uniq_chars?(rest)
def part1(input), do: find_packet(input, 4, 4)
def part2(input), do: find_packet(input, 14, 14)
Not an issue for the given data sets, but I did just realize this would crash and burn if there was no packet of unique elements of N length. I could handle it but, getting late.
pkttl::binary and rest::binary are just variables assigned to sub-binaries via pattern matching. The uniq_chars? is just a helper function I made for this problem. I was really just talking about the pattern matching aspect on binaries.
Shortest solution I produced so far… when I solved it I did more explicit pattern matching to get the answer right, then shortened it up, first used take instead of patterns, then moved to binary pattern instead of grapheme pattern… here’s the final one.
defmodule AdventOfCode.Y2022.Day06 do
alias AdventOfCode.Helpers.InputReader
def input, do: InputReader.read_from_file(2022, 6)
def run(data \\ input()), do: {marker(data, 4), marker(data, 14)}
defp uniq?(xs, len), do: len == Enum.count(
defp marker(<<_::bytes-size(1)>> <> xs = data, len, v \\ 0),
do: (uniq?(:binary.part(data, 0, len), len) && v + len) || marker(xs, len, v + 1)
First part is beautiful and perfect for binary matching
defmodule AOC do
defguard are_different(a, b, c, d) when
a != b and a != c and a != d and
b != c and b != d and
c != d
def traverse(string, acc \\ 0) do
case string do
<<a, b, c, d, _tail :: binary>> when are_different(a, b, c, d) ->
acc + 4
<<_, tail :: binary>> ->
traverse(tail, acc + 1)
IO.inspect AOC.traverse :eof
I did use Stream.chunk_every as well. Makes this really short and sweet.
defmodule Day6 do
def find_marker(text) do
find_unique_character_string_of_length(text, 4)
def find_message_marker(text) do
find_unique_character_string_of_length(text, 14)
defp find_unique_character_string_of_length(text, length) do
{_list, index} =
|> String.to_charlist()
|> Stream.chunk_every(length, 1, :discard)
|> Stream.with_index(length)
|> Enum.find(fn {list, _index} -> list |> Enum.uniq() |> length == length end)
This is not syntactic sugar, this just avoids unnecessary atom generation in compile-time. And I’d suggest using quote instead of building AST from structures. quote preserves metadata and context for operators
Hahaha, I thought since they had counter in metadata, they wouldn’t generate atoms in this function. My bad, I didn’t even think that this function was so broken
One obviously cannot generate AST for def foo(arg) without having arg atom, because its AST would contain {:arg, [], nil} I am not sure what do you mean under “broken.”
I prefer to write the code that works from scratch.
Pow-pow, 1000x-developer rockstar ninja in this thread
Nah, I meant that {name, [counter: 1], context} and {name, [counter: 2], context} are different variables and are treated as different variables.
So, instead of generating 1000 atoms for Macro.generate_unique_arguments(1000, __MODULE__), it could just use this :arg as a name atom for each variable and just have different [counter: counter] in metadata
The only problem with this solution is that code inspection will suck, since all variables are named exactly the same. But this is a known issue, since contexts are simply ignored in all AST-to-String functions