I tried a pure functional approach. Here’s my heavily commented code:
defmodule AoC2023.Day12.FunctionalMemoization do
# `input` for both parts are things like
# [
# {"#.#.###", [1,1,3]},
# {".#...#....###.", [1,1,3]},
# ...
# ]
@spec part1([{String.t(), [pos_integer()]}]) :: non_neg_integer()
def part1(input) do
|> Task.async_stream(fn {springs, counters} ->
# It does not change the result
# if we prepend a "." to each line of springs.
# By adding this "." I do not need to handle the
# edge case that the line starts with a "?".
aux(springs, 0, ".", counters, %{})
end, ordered: false)
|> Stream.map(&elem(&1, 1))
|> Stream.map(&elem(&1, 0))
|> Enum.sum()
@spec part2([{String.t(), [pos_integer()]}]) :: non_neg_integer()
def part2(input) do
|> Enum.map(fn {springs, counters} ->
List.duplicate(springs, 5) |> Enum.join("?"),
List.duplicate(counters, 5) |> List.flatten()
|> part1()
@spec aux(
springs :: String.t(),
previous_spring :: String.t(),
) :: {total_count, memo}
when index: non_neg_integer(),
counters: [non_neg_integer()],
total_count: non_neg_integer(),
memo: %{optional({index, counters}) => total_count}
# When we reached the end of a line,
# and all counters are consumed,
# we found a solution.
defp aux("", _, _, [], memo), do: {1, memo}
# When we reached the end of a line,
# and the last counter reaches 0,
# we found a solution.
defp aux("", _, _, [0], memo), do: {1, memo}
# When we reached the end of a line,
# and there is at least one non-zero counter,
# that's an invalid situation so no solution.
defp aux("", _, _, _, memo), do: {0, memo}
# When the current spring is broken,
# and there is no counter left,
# that's an invalid situation so no solution.
defp aux("#" <> _, _, _, [], memo), do: {0, memo}
# When the current spring is broken,
# and the current counter reaches 0,
# that's an invalid situation so no solution.
defp aux("#" <> _, _, _, [0 | _], memo), do: {0, memo}
# When the current spring is broken,
# and the current counter is not 0,
# decrement the counter and recursively find solutions.
defp aux("#" <> rest, i, _, [h | t], memo), do: aux(rest, i + 1, "#", [h - 1 | t], memo)
# When the current spring is good,
# and there's no counter left,
# try rest of the line and see if all the springs left are good.
defp aux("." <> rest, i, _, [], memo), do: aux(rest, i + 1, ".", [], memo)
# When the current spring is good,
# and the previous spring is bad,
# and the current counter reaches 0,
# we can discard that 0 and recursively find solutions.
defp aux("." <> rest, i, "#", [0 | t], memo), do: aux(rest, i + 1, ".", t, memo)
# When the current spring is good,
# and the previous spring is bad,
# and the current counter is not 0,
# that's an invalid situation so no solution.
defp aux("." <> _, _, "#", [_ | _], memo), do: {0, memo}
# When the current spring is good,
# and the previous spring is also good,
# and the current counter is not 0,
# just check the rest of the springs.
defp aux("." <> rest, i, ".", counters, memo), do: aux(rest, i + 1, ".", counters, memo)
# When the current spring is unknown,
# and the previous spring is broken,
# and there's no counter left,
# then the current spring has to be good.
# We still need to check the rest of the springs.
defp aux("?" <> rest, i, "#", [], memo), do: aux(rest, i + 1, ".", [], memo)
# When the current spring is unknown,
# and the previous spring is broken,
# and the current counter reaches 0,
# then the current spring has to be good.
# We still need to check the rest of the springs.
# The zero-counter is no longer useful so we discard it.
defp aux("?" <> rest, i, "#", [0 | t], memo), do: aux(rest, i + 1, ".", t, memo)
# When the current spring is unknown,
# and the previous spring is bad,
# and the current counter is not 0,
# then the current spring has to be broken.
# We decrement that counter and check the rest of the springs.
defp aux("?" <> rest, i, "#", [h | t], memo), do: aux(rest, i + 1, "#", [h - 1 | t], memo)
# When the current spring is unknown,
# and the previous spring is good,
# and there's no counter left,
# then the current spring has to be good.
# We still need to check the rest of the springs.
defp aux("?" <> rest, i, ".", [], memo), do: aux(rest, i + 1, ".", [], memo)
# When the current spring is unknown,
# and the previous spring is good,
# and the current counter reaches 0,
# then the current spring must be good.
# Discard the 0 counter as usual,
# and check the rest of the springs.
defp aux("?" <> rest, i, ".", [0 | t], memo), do: aux(rest, i + 1, ".", t, memo)
# When the current spring is unknown,
# and the previous spring is good,
# and the current counter is not 0,
# then the current spring can be either good or bad.
# Try both possibilities.
defp aux("?" <> rest, i, ".", [h | t], memo) do
memoized(memo, {i, [h | t]}, fn ->
{a, memo} = aux(rest, i + 1, "#", [h - 1 | t], memo)
{b, memo} = aux(rest, i + 1, ".", [h | t], memo)
{a + b, memo}
defp memoized(memo, key, fun) do
with nil <- Map.get(memo, key) do
{result, memo} = fun.()
memo = Map.put(memo, key, result)
{result, memo}
result -> {result, memo}