Æternity blockchain made with Elixir and Erlang (need developers support for Q&A)

As developers we like to know how far the technology we use can go, what are its uses cases and who collaborated on such developments.

æternity started working in 2017 with the objective of making the most scalable and secure blockchain ever made and for that it choosed Erlang and Elixir as the way to go.

An awesome team cooperated to make this to happen with the presence of @ErlangSolutions, @rvirding Ulf Wilger and many rockstars from Erlang ecosystem.

In this opportunity I would like to re invite @everyone here to check on æternity evolution that a big part of the community here made possible and join to the next step where we are looking to improve our relationship with the community of developers.
Big things are being worked out right now that I’m sure any of you will want to be part of.

Here is they way you can support us:

Link for Commitment on stack exchange

And please also join us on our forum and telegram.

Thanks! :smiley:


I would like to thank and update those who commited to our proposal on stack exchange. Right now we hit 104 committers we still need more engagement especially with SE users with 200 rep on other SE sites.

BTW we will soon have very good news that will be great for Erlang ecosystem. Keep tuned!