Aggregate Booleans in Postgres with Ecto

I have a Phoenix SaaS app. Each account can have a subscription to different plans, and there are also add ons. For example, a basic plan comes with x amount of users but they can also add additional users.

To manage this I have a Plan table and a PlanSubscription table. So an account has one or many plan subscriptions.

The schema for plans is defined like

field :num_users, :integer
field :this_feature, :boolean
field :other_feature, :boolean

For the number of users, this is easy to aggregate with an ecto query like

query = from(ps in PlanSubscription,
                 join: p in Plan, on: == ps.plan_id,
                 select: %{
                   num_users: sum(p.num_users)
                 where: ps.account_id == ^account_id)

However, what I also want to have is if one of the plans has an feature boolean true, and another doesn’t, to use the true value. I was hoping to use


But found that Postgres does not aggregate booleans this way.

Any suggestions for an Elixir/Ecto friendly way to handle this?

Would a boolean ‘or’ work? I.e., where: p.this_feature || p.other_feature

From a SQL point of view the safest way I’ve found to do this in multiple engines over the years would be a sum after turning the bool values into ints and then checking if you have more than 1. You can roll this into a single long winded case-sum-case/cast statement. It’s a bit crappy but it’s an approach that reliably works and is easily understood by others, rather than relying on quirks, and actually accurately represents what you’re trying to do.


This is what I was hoping to avoid, wanted to use the native boolean datatype. Coming from a MSSQL background integer datatypes are probably the best choice to maintain compatibility with other DBMS.

I think I will convert my booleans to integers and then use a max aggregate.

Rather than convert the datatype you’re storing, you could just do it on the “view” that you’re pulling (sorry I’ve written this off the cuff, I know its not valid for Postgres, but should probably work with MSSQL if you’re using bit to represent your bools);

CAST((case when SUM(CAST(myboolfield as int)) > 1 then cast 1 else 0 end) as bit)

I guess it’s up to you to decide whats better/worse. The mangling on the query, altering your stored data type

Alternatively you could do something with a trigger that updates on the parent plan when someones subscription changes. I dunno if thats suitable for your use case either shrug

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I think for me, I would rather just store as an int. But I appreciate this response.

The solution would be to use the bool_and or bool_or aggregate functions from postres:

query = from ps in PlanSubscription,
                 join: p in Plan, on: == ps.plan_id,
                 select: %{
                   num_users: sum(p.num_users),
                   foo_feature: fragment("bool_or(?)", p.foo_feature)
                 where: ps.account_id == ^account_id

Thanks! I wasn’t aware of these functions in postgres.

Here is the docs page for those curious about Postgres aggregates:

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