Announcing hex_core

Today we are releasing the first version of hex_core, an Erlang library to interact with and other servers implementing Hex specifications.

Before talking about hex_core, let’s ask a simple question: What is Hex? The short answer is, it’s a package manager for the Erlang ecosystem. The long answer is that by Hex we may mean a few different things:

  1. A set of specifications of building clients and servers that can interact with each other:
  2. A server for hosting packages like the official server located at
  3. Clients for interacting with servers, e.g. Hex for Elixir and rebar3_hex for Erlang projects

The goal of hex_core is to be the reference implementation of Hex specifications used by Hex clients and servers.

As of this announcement the hex_core package itself is available on

Usage in an Erlang project

  1. Create a new project: rebar3 new lib example

  2. Add hex_core to rebar.config:

    {deps, [
      {hex_core, "0.1.0"}
  3. Start the shell to and count all packages published to

    $ rebar3 shell
    erl> inets:start(), ssl:start(),
    erl> Config = hex_core:default_config(),
    erl> {ok, {200, _, #{packages := Packages}}} = hex_repo:get_names(Config),
    erl> length(Packages).

Usage in an Elixir project

  1. Create a new project: mix new example

  2. Add hex_core to mix.exs:

    defp deps() do
      [{:hex_core, "~> 0.1"}]
  3. Start the shell to and search for all packages matching query “riak”:

    $ iex -S mix
    iex> :inets.start() ; :ssl.start()
    iex> config = :hex_core.default_config()
    iex> options = [sort: :downloads]
    iex> {:ok, {200, _, packages}} =, "riak", options)
    iex>, & &1["name"])
    ["riak_pb", "riakc", ...]

See README at for more usage examples.

Future work

After the initial release we plan to work with the community to integrate hex_core into their projects and respond to feedback.

We will also be focused on releasing a minimal Hex server, built on top of hex_core, to be a starting point for people wanting to run Hex on their own infrastructure. Stay tuned!

Link to original announcement:


w00t! Already using it in hexagon. Not a big fan of the API exposing the http details so directly (response codes and raw headers) as I feel it exposes implementation details too directly, but other than that small niggle it’s been a pleasure to use. Kudos to the hex devs! :slight_smile:


Hexagon is exactly the kind of project we wanted people to build with hex_core, thanks again for that! I’ve created an issue to discuss the API: