Anonymous functions as component attributes?

I have a table component that can apply custom sorting. Each <th> element has a patch link that leads to a new URL, E.G, http://localhost:4000/runs?order=desc&order_by=miles or http://localhost:4000/runs?order=asc&order_by=miles

I accomplished this by passing the table component an anonymous function that generates a route given a map of params, which is then passed to an internal lib function that generates the filter map. Here’s an example of how I use the component in a LiveView:

   get_route={fn filter -> ~p"/runs?#{filter}" end} # anonymous function that makes next order
   filter={@filter} #  map of URL params - <.th> uses this to render the current order
  <:col :let={run} label="Miles" order_col="miles">
    <.link navigate={~p"/runs/#{}"}>
      <%= run.miles %>

Is there a better way to do this? Does it make any difference if I instead declare a named get_route function in the module? Here’s an abbreviated version of my component:

  defp get_next_sort_link(get_route, filter, order_col) do
    |> Filter.apply_sort(order_col) # returns a map
    |> get_route.() # applies the anonymous function

  attr :filter, :map, default: %{}
  attr :rows, :list, required: true
  attr :get_route, :any, default: nil # is there a better type than 'any' ?

  slot :col do
    attr :label, :string, required: true
    attr :order_col, :string

  def table(assigns) do
          <%= for col <- @col do %>
              order={Filter.current_order(@filter, Map.get(col, :order_col, nil))}
                  Map.get(col, :order_col, nil)
              <%= col.label %>
          <% end %>

This all works and doesn’t cause any problems as far as I can tell, but I’m wondering if there is a better way. Thx!