I have some hierarchical data, think topics with recursive sub-topics, or folders and files, or an inbox with folders or, well, I think you get what I’m saying, which I would ideally like to show as a tree. (Actually, almost all my data is indefinitely hierarchical and I’m managing that with streams. It’s only a small (overview) portion of it I wish to show in a tree).
I’ve not had much luck yet identifying a suitable TreeView component to use. And by suitable I mean there are choices aplenty with a variety of strings attached in terms of additional libraries etc. Phoenix supports TailwindCSS and I have a TailwindUI license, but there’s no tree in sight there.
Any advice for me, or related experiences (positive or negative) experiences you’ve had going down the rabbit-hole of mixing React, Vue and/or another framework with TreeView options into a LiveView project? My JS isn’t terrible but I much prefer the Phoenix and LiveView way which is to essentially write the UI and the Business Logic in the server language environment. I’m afraid that once I cross that line where I need to manage another framework’s dependencies I’m entering a world of pain. That’s because my production environment is Kubernetes so I build using a Dockerfile. It works well but I’m worried about introducing dependencies and/or a different build chain I don’t yet know how to manage.
Thanks in advance.