Without much more information about what you want your code to do, I can only offer more general advice to think about when writing code, as a supplement to Eiji’s great advice.
Do less.
It should not be surprising that code that does less usually finishes faster than code that does more. Applying this advice could look like:
- Refactoring traversals of collections to traverse less, ideally once. (Echoed in Eiji’s post).
- Performing fewer deep structure updates. While updates to immutable data are efficient from a VM perspective, they’re not free. Certain updates to data structures are much cheaper than others, and you should try and use those whenever possible. For example, building iolists can be much faster than repeatedly constructing binaries.
Using :ets, :atomics, and more.
Erlang’s standard library contains modules that can be a great help when writing code that needs high performance. :atomics and :counters are great for working with collections of integers that must be updated atomically. :persistent_term is very useful for accessing read-only data from many processes.
ETS is a more general-purpose tool, and learning to wield it well can dramatically improve performance in many situations.
Read the Erlang Efficiency Guide
Reading, and more importantly, understanding the advice written in the Erlang Efficiency Guide should take you pretty far along your journey to writing high-performance code that runs on the BEAM. The guide does a great job of explaining why certain code runs more slowly, and communicates useful insight to the BEAM VM that you can keep in your mind when you code.
Know when to stop
While it is very satisfying to write code that runs very quickly, certain optimizations and refactorings done in the name of performance can have a strong negative impact on the readability, testability, and maintainability of your code. To quote the late, great Joe Armstrong:
Make it work, then make it beautiful, then if you really, really have to, make it fast. 90 percent of the time, if you make it beautiful, it will already be fast. So really, just make it beautiful!
– Joe Armstrong, Erlang & OTP in Action