Arangox - Elixir driver for ArangoDB 3.3.9+ with connection pooling, VelocyStream and support for Active Failover


Build Status

An implementation of db_connection for ArangoDB, which is silly because ArangoDB is not a transactional database (i.e. no prepare, commit, rollback, etc.), but whatever, it’s a solid connection pooler.

Supports VelocyStream and Active Failover.

Tested on:

  • ArangoDB 3.3.9 - 3.5
  • Elixir 1.6 - 1.9
  • OTP 20 - 22

Peer Dependencies

By default, Arangox communicates with ArangoDB via the VelocyStream protocol, which requires the :velocy library:

def deps do
    {:arangox, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:velocy, "~> 1.1"}

The default vst chunk size is 30_720. To change it, you can include the following in your config/config.exs:

config :arangox, :vst_maxsize, 12_345


iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(pool_size: 10)
iex> Arangox.request(conn, :get, "/_admin/server/availability")
   body: "",
   headers: %{},
   method: :get,
   path: "/_admin/server/availability"
   body: %{"code" => 200, "error" => false, "mode" => "default"},
   headers: %{},
   status: 200
iex> Arangox.get!(conn, "/_admin/server/availability")
  body: %{"code" => 200, "error" => false, "mode" => "default"},
  headers: %{},
  status: 200


Arangox has two HTTP clients, Arangox.Client.Gun and Arangox.Client.Mint, they require a json library:

def deps do
    {:arangox, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:jason, "~> 1.1"},
    {:gun, "~> 1.3"} # or {:mint, "~> 0.4.0"}
Arangox.start_link(client: Arangox.Client.Gun) # or Arangox.Client.Mint

To use something else, you’d have to implement the Arangox.Client behaviour in a
module somewhere and set that instead.

The default json library is Jason. To use a different library, set the :json_library config to the module of your choice, i.e:

config :arangox, :json_library, Poison
def application() do
    extra_applications: [:logger, :gun])


iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(client: Arangox.Client.Gun, pool_size: 10)
iex> Arangox.request(conn, :options, "/")
   body: "",
   headers: %{"authorization" => "..."},
   method: :options,
   path: "/"
   body: nil,
   headers: %{
     "connection" => "Keep-Alive",
     "content-length" => "0",
     "content-type" => "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
     "server" => "ArangoDB",
     "x-content-type-options" => "nosniff"
   status: 200
iex> Arangox.options!(conn, "/")
  body: nil,
  headers: %{
    "connection" => "Keep-Alive",
    "content-length" => "0",
    "content-type" => "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
    "server" => "ArangoDB",
    "x-content-type-options" => "nosniff"
  status: 200

Start Options

Arangox assumes defaults for the :endpoints, :username and :password options,
and db_connection assumes a default
:pool_size of 1, so the following:


Is equivalent to:

options = [
  endpoints: "http://localhost:8529",
  username: "root",
  password: "",
  pool_size: 1


Unencrypted endpoints can be specified with either http:// or
tcp://, whereas encrypted endpoints can be specified with https://,
ssl:// or tls://:

"tcp://localhost:8529" == "http://localhost:8529"
"https://localhost:8529" == "ssl://localhost:8529" == "tls://localhost:8529"

"tcp+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock" == "http+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock"
"https+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock" == "ssl+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock" == "tls+unix:///tmp/arangodb.sock"

"tcp://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock" == "http://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock"
"https://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock" == "ssl://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock" == "tls://unix:/tmp/arangodb.sock"

The :endpoints option accepts either a binary, or a list of binaries. In the case of a list,
Arangox will try to establish a connection with the first endpoint it can.

If a connection is established, the availability of the server will be checked (via the ArangoDB api), and
if an endpoint is in maintenance mode or is a Follower in an Active Failover setup, the connection
will be dropped, or in the case of a list, the endpoint skipped.

With the :read_only? option set to true, arangox will try to find a server in
readonly mode instead and add the x-arango-allow-dirty-read header to every request:

iex> endpoints = ["http://localhost:8003", "http://localhost:8004", "http://localhost:8005"]
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(endpoints: endpoints, read_only?: true)
iex> %Arangox.Response{body: body} = Arangox.get!(conn, "/_admin/server/mode")
iex> body["mode"]
iex> {:error, exception} =, "/_api/database", %{name: "newDatabase"})
iex> exception.message



When using the default client, authorization is resolved with the :username
and :password options after a connection is established (authorization headers are not used).
This can be disabled by setting the :auth? option to false.


When using an HTTP client, Arangox will generate a Basic authorization header with the
:username and :password options and add it to every request. To prevent this
behavior, set the :auth? option to false.

iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(auth?: false, client: Arangox.Client.Gun)
iex> {:error, exception} = Arangox.get(conn, "/_admin/server/mode")
iex> exception.message
"not authorized to execute this request"

The header value is obfuscated in transfomed requests returned by arangox, for
obvious reasons:

iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(client: Arangox.Client.Gun)
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.options(conn, "/")
iex> request.headers
%{"authorization" => "..."}



If the :database option is set, it can be overridden by prepending the path of a
request with /_db/:value. If nothing is set, ArangoDB will assume the _system database.


When using an HTTP client, arangox will prepend /_db/:value to the path of every request
only if it isn’t already prepended. If the start option is not set, nothing is prepended.

iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(client: Arangox.Client.Gun)
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.get(conn, "/_admin/time")
iex> request.path
iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(database: "_system", client: Arangox.Client.Gun)
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.get(conn, "/_admin/time")
iex> request.path
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.get(conn, "/_db/_system/_admin/time")
iex> request.path


Headers given to the start option are merged with every request, but will not override
any of the headers set by Arangox:

iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(headers: %{"header" => "value"})
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.get(conn, "/_api/version")
iex> request.headers
%{"header" => "value"}

Headers passed to requests will override any of the headers given to the start option
or set by Arangox:

iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link(headers: %{"header" => "value"})
iex> {:ok, request, _response} = Arangox.get(conn, "/_api/version", %{"header" => "new_value"})
iex> request.headers
%{"header" => "new_value"}


The :connect_timeout start option defaults to 5_000.

Transport options can be specified via :tcp_opts and :ssl_opts, for unencrypted and
encrypted connections respectively. When using :gun or :mint, these options are passed
directly to the :transport_opts connect option.

See :gen_tcp.connect_option()
for more information on :tcp_opts, or :ssl.tls_client_option() for :ssl_opts.

The :client_opts option can be used to pass client-specific options to :gun or :mint.
These options are merged with and may override values set by arangox. Some options cannot be
overridden (i.e. :mint's :mode option). If :transport_opts is set here it will override
everything given to :tcp_opts or :ssl_opts, regardless of whether or not a connection is

See the gun:opts() type in the gun docs
or connect/4 in the mint docs for more

Request Options

Request options are handled by and passed directly to :db_connection. See execute/4 in the :db_connection docs for supported options.

Request timeouts default to 15_000.

iex> {:ok, conn} = Arangox.start_link()
iex> Arangox.get!(conn, "/_admin/server/availability", [], timeout: 15_000)
  body: %{"code" => 200, "error" => false, "mode" => "default"},
  headers: %{},
  status: 200


mix do format, credo --strict
docker-compose up -d
mix test


  • An Ecto adapter
  • More descriptive logs