I have been trying to render a live component, like this as in the docs:
<p>Welcome to the home page</p>
<.live_component module={CellitWeb.HomeHeroComponent} id="home" />
I keep on getting this error however:
```** (exit) an exception was raised:
** (ArgumentError) errors were found at the given arguments:
* 1st argument: not an atom
:erlang.apply(%{__changed__: nil, id: "home", module: CellitWeb.HomeHeroComponent}, :__live__, [])```
Whenever I remove this line:
``` <.live_component module={CellitWeb.HomeHeroComponent} id="home" />
the error is no more, I am not sure why the error is there and I’d like some help and insight on this.
It sounds like an issue in how you’ve defined that LiveComponent. Can you share the code for it?
Here is the LiveComponent definition, very bare bones as I was just beginning the project
use CellitWeb, :live_component
def render(assigns) do
<div class="bg-primary w-[100%] h-[100vh]">
<div class="text-lg">
<%= if @current_user == nil do%>
No User yet
<% else %>
<%= @current_user.first_name %>
<% end %>
Thank you for your response, I have however found after countless of hours of debugging that the problem lies in how I define and render with my Phoenix Liveview version 0.16.0 and how I should define the live component using
use Phoenix.Component
and render it as <%= live_component HeroComponent, id: :hero, content: @content %>