I got one question and one issue in the example in the Define Polymorphic Relationships document, I created a repository for easy debugging/reproducing: https://github.com/iyjim/toy_bank.git
The syntax in th constraints of the union type
constraints: [
checking: [
type: :struct,
constraints: [instance_of: CheckingAccount]
savings: [
type: :struct,
constraints: [instance_of: SavingsAccount]
is different from all other examples I could find, like this one
constraints: [
types: [
one: [type: YourEmbed],
other: [type: YourOtherEmbed]
in Does Ash supports polymorphic embedded resources?
And it will get
== Compilation error in file lib/bank_account.ex ==
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function CheckingAccount.init/1 is undefined or private. Did you mean:
* input/1
* input/2
(ash 3.4.47) lib/ash/type/union.ex:73: anonymous fn/2 in Ash.Type.Union.init/1
(elixir 1.18.0) lib/enum.ex:4964: Enumerable.List.reduce/3
(elixir 1.18.0) lib/enum.ex:2600: Enum.reduce_while/3
(ash 3.4.47) lib/ash/type/union.ex:68: Ash.Type.Union.init/1
(ash 3.4.47) lib/ash/type/type.ex:2025: Ash.Type.set_type_transformation/1
(spark 2.2.36) lib/spark/dsl/entity.ex:273: Spark.Dsl.Entity.build/3
(ash 3.4.47) /home/jim/ex18/toy_bank/deps/spark/lib/spark/dsl/extension.ex:1150: Ash.Resource.Dsl.Calculations.Calculate.__build__/3
if using the second syntax mentioned above. But it seems that the second syntax is the correct one? https://hexdocs.pm/ash/Ash.Type.Union.html
Got a compilation error if ash is 3.4.48 and above (using the first syntax)
== Compilation error in file lib/bank_account.ex ==
** (Spark.Error.DslError) [BankAccount]
calculations -> calculate -> implementation:
types must be a list, got ``
(ash 3.4.49) /home/jim/ex18/toy_bank/deps/spark/lib/spark/dsl/extension.ex:1174: Ash.Resource.Dsl.Calculations.Calculate.__build__/3
(spark 2.2.36) lib/spark/dsl/extension/entity.ex:91: Spark.Dsl.Extension.Entity.handle/6
lib/bank_account.ex:23: (module)
And got another compilation error if using the second syntax
== Compilation error in file lib/bank_account.ex ==
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function CheckingAccount.init/1 is undefined or private. Did you mean:
* input/1
* input/2
(ash 3.4.49) lib/ash/type/union.ex:74: anonymous fn/2 in Ash.Type.Union.init/1
(elixir 1.18.0) lib/enum.ex:4964: Enumerable.List.reduce/3
(elixir 1.18.0) lib/enum.ex:2600: Enum.reduce_while/3
(ash 3.4.49) lib/ash/type/union.ex:69: Ash.Type.Union.init/1
(ash 3.4.49) lib/ash/type/type.ex:2025: Ash.Type.set_type_transformation/1
(spark 2.2.36) lib/spark/dsl/entity.ex:273: Spark.Dsl.Entity.build/3
(ash 3.4.49) /home/jim/ex18/toy_bank/deps/spark/lib/spark/dsl/extension.ex:1150: Ash.Resource.Dsl.Calculations.Calculate.__build__/3
What should I do to overcome this issue?
Please help.