Ash - does not implement `atomic/3`

After doing the Ash Livebook Getting started for several times over the last 2? years,
I finally have a small project that I dare to tackle with Ash.

Loving it so far.

However, sometimes I am not quite sure what to do when receiving an error.

Basic Idea / Context

  1. The system is meant to collect “Proposals”.
  2. Proposals can be handed in, updated, accepted and rejected during a given timespan.
  3. Each given timespan is called a Proposal Round.
  4. All Proposals are related to a Proposal Round. They can only be interacted with while the Proposal Round is active.
  5. The Proposal Round being active is checked in a custom validation

The custom validation

defmodule Validations.OpenForProposals do
  use Ash.Resource.Validation

  @impl true
  # is this how we would properly check the round_id?
  def validate(%{attributes: %{round_id: id}}, _opts, _context) when not is_nil(id) do

  def validate(%{data: %{round_id: id}}, _opts, _context) when not is_nil(id) do

  def validate(_changeset, _opts, _context) do
    {:error, field: :round_id, message: "No proposal round was set."}

  def validate_open(round_id) do
    with {:ok, round} <- Ash.get(Proposal, round_id),
         true <- round.is_open == true do
      IO.puts("OPEN FOR PROPOSALS") # ---- THIS IS PRINTED :) --------
      false -> {:error, field: :round_id, message: "Not currently open for proposals."}
      e -> e

Domain Module

defmodule Proposals do
  use Ash.Domain

  resources do
    resource Proposal do
      define :propose,
        args: [:employee_id, :round_id, :text],
        action: :propose

      define :accept,
        args: [:comment],
        action: :accept

      define :reject,
        args: [:comment],
        action: :reject

Resource Module

defmodule Proposal do
  use Ash.Resource, domain: Proposals, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer

  actions do
    defaults [:read, :destroy, update: :*]

    create :propose do
      accept [:employee_id, :round_id, :text]

      validate {Validations.OpenForProposals, []}

    update :accept do
      accept [:comment]

      validate {Validations.OpenForProposals, []}

      change set_attribute(:status, :accepted)
      change set_attribute(:comment, arg(:comment), set_when_nil?: false)

    update :reject do
      accept [:comment]

      validate {Validations.OpenForProposals, []}

      change set_attribute(:status, :rejected)
      change set_attribute(:comment, arg(:comment), set_when_nil?: false)

  attributes do
    # ...

  relationships do
    # ...

  postgres do
    # ..

The error

The current error is the following:

iex> {:ok, proposal} = Proposals.propose(, 1, "Add 5 more chairs to the break room.")
iex > Proposals.accept(proposal, "Good idea. Matthew will take care of it.")
     errors: [
         resource: Proposal,
         action: :accept,
         reason: "Validations.OpenForProposals does not implement `atomic/3`",
         splode: Ash.Error,
         bread_crumbs: [],
         vars: [],
         path: [],
         stacktrace: #Splode.Stacktrace<>,
         class: :framework

So the validation works on :propose, but not on :accept.

I have read Basic bulk actions, atomics, new stream options, `error/2` expression and Update Actions — ash v3.0.9, but I do not understand what to do or what the error actually means (and why it occurs on the validation?!) :sweat_smile:

What am I not seeing / understanding and where I could I learn about it?

As far as I can tell, in the info block for Fully Atomic Updates it states

An atomic update is one that can be done in a single operation in the data layer. This ensures that there are no issues with concurrent access to the record being updated, and that it is as performant as possible.

Since you’re fetching the record from the data layer and asserting on is_open in validate_open, there could be a race condition between application processes where one reads and acts on what it sees is a valid state in the data layer but before the write happens another process also changed the data so that the first process’s data is actually not valid any more.

So Ash is expecting you to tell it how the update could be done atomically using the atomic/3 callback.

See Validations without an atomic callback a little further down.

I think the first case works because it’s a create action, not an update

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Exactly correct :slight_smile:

If this can’t be done atomically, you can add require_atomic? false to the action definition.


This is probably easier to do in the action with present/2

validate present([:round_id])

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Alright, thanks!

in this scenario, race conditions do not really matter, cause all the steps are manual anyway, and the worst thing that could happen is someone submitting a proposal 5 ms after the round is being closed, which is not a big deal.

However, I have to admin I have no idea what I would need to do if race conditions actually mattered :smiley:

For that you’d have to figure out how to do a explicit blocking lock on the row, which would run your operation to validate the open status and then update the approval in a transaction. So any other processes are made to wait for the row to unlock before they can go on.

In Ash, this can be placed in your update action change get_and_lock(:for_update)


Beautiful. Love your work!

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