Ash Framework 3.0

Ash Framework 3.0: Official Release!

I’m here with the fine folks at Gig City Elixir, pushing the button live on stage :sunglasses:

The other packages around Ash will be updated with non-release candidate versions over the next few hours.

What is changing?

While there are far too many things to put them all here, I want to give those who haven’t been following along with our 3.0 teasers an idea of where the focus is for Ash 3.0. There are three themes that cover most of the changes:

How do I upgrade?

It is very important that you read and follow the upgrade guide! You will need to go through it section by section and consider if there are changes from that section that you must make. Don’t forget that some packages have their own upgrade guides for breaking changes contained in that package. Links to those guides are at the top.

What if I need help?

If you encounter an issue or change that is not covered in the upgrade guide please contact us or open a PR to add to the guide. Even if it’s just a note reminding folks to look out for something that might be a gotcha. Every little bit helps :slight_smile:

Feel free to ask questions here on the forum if you need assistance!

What about 2.x?

Ash 2.x will receive a minimum of 6 months of critical bug fixes and security upgrades. Critical bug fixes include issues that have no reasonable workaround. Security upgrades includes things like updating potentially vulnerable packages, or fixing any issues related to policies, authentication, etc. We won’t be leaving folks in the dust, but it will absolutely be in your best interest to find a time in the next few months to upgrade, as there are many features in 3.0 to take advantage of and there are already more on the way!

And don’t forget, the Ash book is coming! Keep an eye out for updates :partying_face: Thanks again to @sevenseacat for all her fine work on this book, its coming along spectacularly.


Woohoo! Amazing news, congratulations Zach and team.


Thanks to Visual Partnership for the illustration of my talk!


Congrats on the release, and congrats for your (and your team’s) hard work! Looking forward to buying the book!

Between this and the LiveView 1.0 RC, this has been a very exciting week for Elixir!

Speaking personally, the timing could not be better! Now I know what I’m gonna be doing this weekend! :partying_face:


Is there a pre-release of the book?


Seems the upgrade guide link is broken. I found it here: Upgrade — ash v3.0.0

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I’ve been holding off on a new project until this was out so I guess it’s time to put down the playstation controller in the evenings. Really excited to give this a try thanks for all your work and @sevenseacat really excited to hear a book is coming too, I expect I’ll be breaking my no more beta books rule for this one.


Awesome to hear! We will strive to make the book worth breaking your rule for :blush:


Congrats to the Ash team - I can’t believe Ash has reached v3 already! :041:

If you’re super eager, keep an eye on our Books section, as PragProg books get posted on Devtalk a day or so before they’re available for purchase and then they automatically get cross-posted here:


Not yet, unfortunately. After plans for Ash 3.1 get solidified, we’ll kick off the process to get the book into beta :slight_smile:


Amazing work from everyone working on the Ash 3.0 release! Huge congratulations! :clap:


Congratulations @zachdaniel!


Thanks @zachdaniel and team, now take a long relaxing break :slight_smile:


Congratulations @zachdaniel and all the contributors. I know how much effort has gone into this release and Ash has reached a seriously major milestone!


Very excited to try Ash finally, and looking forwards to the book. Any rough ETA on when a Beta might arrive, trying to work out whether to just dive in now with the docs or wait for the book?


Same here but I started checking the livebook on the Ash website and trying things out very interesting till now

They mentioned end of year.

The author Rebecca Le (@sevenseacat) wrote this on the Ash Framework Discord on June 23:

it’ll be a few months away unfortunately. but still, it’s coming! :sparkles:

If you want to start, then I think it’s best to start now instead of waiting for the book. The maintainers are very active here and on their Discord channel (there’s an Ash Framework Discord channel and an #ash-framework channel in the Elixir Discord channel).

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That’s correct. I wish I could make it available sooner but that’s not how the process works, sadly. :frowning:

But don’t let that stop you from diving into Ash now - the docs have been much improved with Ash 3.0, and the Discord/Slack channel/this forum are more active than ever!