Ash.gen.resource fails partially if resource is top-level

The code below works fine:

% mix ash.gen.resource Helpdesk.Support.Employee \
  --default-actions read,create,update,destroy \
  --uuid-primary-key id \
  --attribute first_name:string:required:public \
  --timestamps \
  --extend postgres

However, if I create Helpdesk.Employee instead of Helpdesk.Support.Employee, I get the following warning:

% mix ash.gen.resource Helpdesk.Employee \
  --default-actions read,create,update,destroy \
  --uuid-primary-key id \
  --attribute first_name:string:required:public \
  --timestamps \
  --extend postgres

Create: lib/helpdesk/employee.ex

1  | defmodule Helpdesk.Employee do
2  |   use Ash.Resource, otp_app: :helpdesk, domain: Helpdesk, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer
3  |
4  |   postgres do
5  |     table "employees"
6  |     repo Helpdesk.Repo
7  |   end
8  |
9  |   actions do
10 |     defaults [:read, :destroy, create: [:first_name], update: [:first_name]]
11 |   end
12 |
13 |   attributes do
14 |     uuid_primary_key :id
15 |
16 |     attribute :first_name, :string do
17 |       allow_nil? false
18 |       public? true
19 |     end
20 |
21 |     timestamps()
22 |   end
23 | end
24 |

Igniter - Warnings:

* Domain Elixir.Helpdesk was not an `Ash.Domain`, so could not add `Helpdesk.Employee` to its resource list.

Proceed with changes? [Yn] 

When I proceed anyways, it only creates employee.ex and skips out on domain code, repo, etc.

The inferred domain module is Helpdesk, which already exists and is not an Ash.Domain, so you’d have to create a separate domain module and connect it yourself, or pass the --domain option to configure a different domain.

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Thank you for the clarification. Curious if making the top-level module (Helpdesk [lib/helpdesk.ex]) a domain is not recommended.

I don’t think there would be anything particularly wrong with it :slight_smile:

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