I have created a manual read action to check if there is a booking at a certain point in time.
This is the action:
read :booking_overlaps? do
argument :datetime, :naive_datetime do
description "The naive datetime to check for overlaps"
allow_nil? false
argument :duration, :integer do
description "The duration of the period"
allow_nil? false
argument :slot_id, :uuid do
description "The slot to check for overlaps"
allow_nil? false
manual CELP.Bookings.ManualActions.FindBookingOverlap
And this is the FindBookingOverlap
manual action:
defmodule CELP.Bookings.ManualActions.FindBookingOverlap do
use Ash.Resource.ManualRead
require Ash.Query
def read(ash_query, ecto_query, _opts, _context) do
q =
|> IO.inspect(label: "Ash Query")
# |> Ash.read!()
# |> IO.inspect(label: "Ash Query Read")
# To be changed when this works
{:error, "TODO"}
I see in the query the arguments
Ash Query: #Ash.Query<
resource: CELP.Bookings.Booking,
arguments: %{
duration: 80,
datetime: ~N[2025-01-28 10:30:00],
slot_id: "7077cd53-b39f-4604-852b-3f175dab77e9"
My question is, how can I filter using those arguments? These are some things I have tried:
Ash.Query.filter(ash_query, slot_id == ^arg(:slot_id))
Ash.Query.filter(ash_query, slot_id == :slot_id)
I get an error with the first option, and I think the second option is not correct.
Also, I have another error. When I try to read the results, I get into a recursion loop. That’s why the following code is commented:
# |> Ash.read!()
# |> IO.inspect(label: "Ash Query Read")
I also tried to pass the args using the opts variable, but it didn’t work, and I later found that the arguments were already in the query.
How could I use the arguments available in the query?
Why do I get into a recursion loop?
I wonder if I have to modify the query, but I’d like to learn to do it using the manual read action.