Ash-Postgres Outer join

Is there a way to express full outer join in Ash-Postgres?
I have a need to display records from either or both of the two resources in my project.

There is not a simple way to do that. It depends on how you structure it. You can create a resource that does not have a data layer, and has an attribute that is a union of the two types, and then use a manual or generic action on that resource to make your queries (using Ash or ecto or w/e you need), i.e

defmodule Foo do
  use Ash.Resource

  attributes do
    attribute :thing, :union do
      constraints types: [
        a: [
          type: :struct,
          constraints: [instance_of: A]
        b: [
          type: :struct,
          constraints: [instance_of: B]

Thank you!

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